Lost Weight for 2 months but cant loose anymore...


New member
Hey Guys,

I've been a long termer..Once upon a time..5-6 years ago, I was 78 Kilos, over a cycle of diets I took myself to 59 KG over a period of 2-3 years of hardwork...but then environmental pressures and other lame excuses kicked in and I increased to 67 KG.

And So I was on the mission again..I have reduced myself again to 62-63 in about 2 months. What I did at first was low carb dieting..It worked well but I got weak..anyway, I kicked aside the rogue way of dieting and starting eating right and counting the calories.

I am 5'6, at 62-64 wieght range..63 to be precise. I tried one of the online calculators and did the maths..it showed I needed about 2200 calories to sustain the weight, so I set a goal of around 1300-1700 calorie intake. I did that for last 3 weeks and bunged maybe 1-2 times, but did not cross 3k mark.

I also added Squash to my routine, 25-35 mins of Squash..kills you real bad and started doing HIIT one day and Aerobic the next.

My waist had also reduced from 34.5 to around 32.5 when I was doing low-carb.

However since I stopped low-carb diet and got the excercise and stuff going..I havent reduced wieght nor I have reduced my waist which is really hurting my will power. It really demotivates me as wieght loss is as much as a mind game as its an excercise game and with no result.

Can anyone tell me whats going on, I know BMI sounds like a good thing to measure, but then I would have atleast lost waist by half an inch atleast in last 3 weeks.

I have no set weight target as priority, but I have a mental bookmark of 57-58 KG..my main aim is waist..to get it down to 30. 2.5 inches ladies and gentleman and I will have solved THE biggest problem of my life, the source of my unhapiness xD

Also whats the recommended wasit for 5'6 guy.

I will be 22 in November.
oh and I always kept margin of errors with my calorie count, adding 50-100-150 on my estimation for each intake of meal.

+ I thought I may have hit plateau ..so to cover from that I had a light excercise week last week and had pizza on 2 occassions (3-4 slices), had a 60gm pack of lays, rice etc...so in lasst 7 days after the above described period..i ate bit more with 1 day gap i.e. one dayI'll aim for 2k-3k calories, next day i'd aim for 1.5-1.7k calories and did not do excercise in 4/7 days.

My birthday is on 8th..and interestingly my cousin's engagement is on the same day, I want to loose atleast 1 inch waist if possible over next 4+8 days...12 days.

I'm male btw
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