Lost motivation and feeling depressed about it!


New member
I know...wahhhhh :( ;)

I was working out and eating amazing for about a year. I lost 50lbs and was feeling great about it. But then I hit a wall! I got bored with working out and was not loosing weight. I changed up my exercise and continued to eat great, but lost maybe 1 pound in a month and half. Just got very frustrated and took a break. Ive gained back maybe 10 pounds and afraid ill gain it all back. On top of getting bored and taking a break with my exercises, I have a 5 month old baby now that keeps me soooo busy. But otherwise I love the way my clothes fit and the way I am looking.

I just need some help on getting my motivation back!!
Keeping fit with a baby can be hard, is there someone who can watch the baby while you workout? Or while he is sleeping?
If not there are many sports you can do with baby like mum and baby yoga etc
Don't give up, you can do it! There is always a plan and solution if you really want it.