New member
Im 24 and started to lift weights but not do cardio. I then decided to loss the extra weight. So i started lifting along with cardio mostly cardio tho. I started at 5'6 230 pounds. I'm down to 149 pounds now and i've been dieting since march. However i still have a bit of a belly and i'm not sure if i just need to keep dieting to loose it or if i should stop trying to lose weight and build muscle or get rid of this belly first. I just want to make sure i'm doing the healthy thing and not losing to much weight. I attached a picture so you can see my belly. Maybe its just there cause i lost so much weight or it just the last little bit i have left. I've used the things you hold onto to test my fat perctentage and it says i'm at 8% and i know that pretty low and my bmi is 24.1. Also if you have any idea of what weight i should aim to get down to i'd appreciate it.