Lost a lot of weight not sure when to stop dieting


New member
Im 24 and started to lift weights but not do cardio. I then decided to loss the extra weight. So i started lifting along with cardio mostly cardio tho. I started at 5'6 230 pounds. I'm down to 149 pounds now and i've been dieting since march. However i still have a bit of a belly and i'm not sure if i just need to keep dieting to loose it or if i should stop trying to lose weight and build muscle or get rid of this belly first. I just want to make sure i'm doing the healthy thing and not losing to much weight. I attached a picture so you can see my belly. Maybe its just there cause i lost so much weight or it just the last little bit i have left. I've used the things you hold onto to test my fat perctentage and it says i'm at 8% and i know that pretty low and my bmi is 24.1. Also if you have any idea of what weight i should aim to get down to i'd appreciate it.

Can't always trust the accuracy of those electrical resistance devices. unless it runs from your feet to your hands it entirely skips the majority of the torso. try a few other methods as well (skinfold calipers, hip\waist calculator etc)

Keep in mind that you will likely need to keep dieting just to maintain your weight, let alone lose it.

it could also be loose skin, that just needs time to firm up.

Your BMI is the high end of healthy which you can be happy with. By BMI standards you could lose another 20Lb and still be healthy (BMI is a flawed measure of health so don't read too much into it.)

In my opinion waist, hip and neck measurements are far better health indicators.

Dieting is not a solution for weight loss. To get rid of the heavy weight problem it is good to take the good nutritious diet. Avoid junk food and oily food, drink plenty of water and do practice daily exercise help a lot to get the good result for weight loss. So keep your diet healthy and do follow some basic routine in the life.