Losing weight

Hi Keifer,

Firstly welcome. Secondly what have you tried? What’s your current lifestyle? What’s your current diet? Do you have any underlying health conditions?

You need to understand there are NO short cuts but it doesn’t have to be hard. Losing weight is (like everything else in life) as easy or hard as you make it. Eats lots of veggies, particularly ones high in protein and exercise. Don’t make big changes straight away; these are harder to maintain. Make a small change; walk around the block twice a week. Once this is cemented as habit make it 4 times a week and so on. The same is done with diet. Meal replacements and magic pills should (in my opinion) only ever be used as a last resort as they don’t teach you how to live healthily and are not a long term solution. Often people who lose weight with these quick fixes stack it all and then some back on shortly after.

Good luck and we’re all here to help and support you!
Hi Keifer,

Firstly welcome. Secondly what have you tried? What’s your current lifestyle? What’s your current diet? Do you have any underlying health conditions?

You need to understand there are NO short cuts but it doesn’t have to be hard. Losing weight is (like everything else in life) as easy or hard as you make it. Eats lots of veggies, particularly ones high in protein and exercise. Don’t make big changes straight away; these are harder to maintain. Make a small change; walk around the block twice a week. Once this is cemented as habit make it 4 times a week and so on. The same is done with diet. Meal replacements and magic pills should (in my opinion) only ever be used as a last resort as they don’t teach you how to live healthily and are not a long term solution. Often people who lose weight with these quick fixes stack it all and then some back on shortly after.

Good luck and we’re all here to help and support you!

Great advice!! Im desperately trying too and i think I shud heed the "a bit at a time!" Im trying to do all at once! But also because I've just discovered I have high blood pressure which doc says I can control by losing weight...and i want fast results!!
if you are successful, you will discover that fat comes off generally in the order it appears. for guys this is usually the gut, so hang in there, but don't expect to see a dramatic decrease in any specific area, and any diet claiming you can "burn belly fat", etc. will not be based on any accepted science.

my advice would be to get smarter about nutrition. learn the difference between a state of glycolysis vs. ketosis along with the function of the pancreas and liver. find out about autophagy and apoptosis and what triggers those states. if you have no idea how insulin plays a huge part in your digestion or that it is only something you think diabetics must take, you have a big learning curve ahead. the best part is that once you understand how nutrition works and why many diets fail, you will have a big advantage.
once you understand how nutrition works and why many diets fail, you will have a big advantage.

What he said :)

Great advice. To the op: I was told I had very high blood pressure 3 weeks ago when I donated blood. It was 158/100. now to put this in perspective I am slightly overweight but major stressors in my life at that point were my father was about to go to hospital for a pancreatic section due to pancreatic cancer (long history of cancer in my family so this was very stressful, I’m going through a divorce and I’m on call at work 24/7 so I need to manage my stress levels very carefully. I made a plan to eat only whole foods and switched from milk in my porridge to soy milk and push myself to look after myself post work out (compression socks and ice etc). I bought an at home tester which I know are not as accurate and yesterday I was 117/78. That was a change in 3 weeks without anything major so quick changes in blood pressure are possible without big changes in weight (I’ve only dropped 4kgs in this time).
Hi, guys, I am Trying to lose my big belly, any advice?


What have you been trying so far? if you don't mind me asking?

I have been trying a detox program as well as drinking plenty of water.

I can say I have benefited a GREAT deal from both of these.

Aside from cutting weight I also have clearer skin and NO BAD BREATH.

Loving this program.