Losing weight too fast?


New member
In the last two weeks I've lost 10 pounds. I cut all fast food, sugar soda, and almost all meat from my diet. Instead I eat whole grains and fruits more than anything, averaging about 250 calories for breakfast, a 300-calorie or so lunch and around 400 calorie dinner, with snacks in between totaling 300 or so. With all the protein and fruit I'm getting I think my calories are too low (I'm a now-287lb younger guy) but I am surely losing weight. I am doing moderate exercise a few times a week.

The problem is, half the time I'm not hungry enough to eat more cals. Is 10 lbs. too much to lose in my first two weeks?
Its not too much however you did cut out all your calories and may not have adequately replaced them.

Adding up those calorie totals equals 1250 calories. Way too low for anyone, especially someone at 287. Many people dont feel hungry when they eat only a little, hell I could probably eat once a day and be good if I were doing other things. However I gotta get my energy requirements.
I think that the first week or two shows quick weight loss because if you're drastically reducing the amount you eat, there will be less food in transit through your gut.