Losing weight too fast. Why?


New member
Hi, I have only just joined the forum and have a bit of a problem. I have been doing swimming for 3 weeks and running once a week. This week, I started watching my diet, not starving but eating healthily and not snacking. I bought a scale on Tuesday and I have weighed myself for 2 days...first day I had lost 700 grams and second day 500 grams. I got a bit startled by it because it seems too much, yet, I am not starving and swimming only 45 minutes a day and also doing some walking. Has anyone else had that in the beginning? I weighed 76,2 this morning, I am 168cm tall.
Dont worry about it at this stage...

We all see day to day fluctuations which actually mean that our weights change by a fair bit across the day...

The thing is - when we get on the scales - we do not just weigh our bodies and any difference mean a loss of fat...

Everything gets weighed - so that means that everything that we have eaten and drank is in there...

All sorts of things can alter how it is things like
- food & drink
- toilet habits
- Time of month - a lot of women gain weight around the time of a period
- water retention due to sodium in diet
- water retention due to not drinking enough water
- water retention due to hot weather

Maybe you drank extra water and it flushed some sodium out of your body...
Maybe you recently finished a period...
Maybe the weather changed...

The main thing is that you are doing regular exercise and eating healthily at an appropriate calorie level...

It is very normal to lose extra weight at the start of a weight loss attempt as people tend to cut out some high sodium foods like crisps and processed food...
Thanks, Omega

I guess it's safe to go swimming then :eek:
And I think that my menstrual cycle might be to blame there, but also, I think, genetically, I have got good muscles and after three weeks, my calves especially seem quite fit so maybe it is just the way my body loses weight (quite a lot) when I exercise, it's just that I haven't done any proper exercise for quite a few years and suddenly, to be doing something on a regular basis must have quite a big effect - if I'm already seeing changes in my muscles, then some of the fat is also probably gone. I am already feeling it much easier to go up the hill so I must have shed a few kilos. I was just a bit worried that my body will find it a shock to lose weight so fast...