Losing Weight, but what about waist inches?


New member
Hi again

I have a new question.

I have always had a 28 in. waist and 36 in hips. And I have always been in my healthy weight class for 5'7 (usually somewherer between 125-138 lbs.) And I know my BMI and boyd fat percentage is healthy.

Here is my question: Even though recently I have been losing weight (I am down to 121 lbs) I do not know if my waist size has decreased (if I have lost any inches). Could it be I just cannot, and 28 inches is just my body's minimum? I havent been able to measure it as I do not have a tape measure, but I think I notice my waist curving in more and developing a slight hour glass figure, slight though. Do you think that means I have dropped a few inches? I would like to get down to a 26 inch waist, and I am wondering if that is even possible for me since at my normal healthy weight I have always had a 28 inch waist.

Could someone please let me know if based on my description it might be I have lost an inch or two? Also, if not, what specific exercises can I do to lose an inch or two? Thank you.

I just want to know out of curiosity, as it seems most women have a 26 inch waist if they are healthy, and I don't know many people with a 28 inch waist. Lol
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I don't know what is sensible or possible for you in terms of your waist size but there is a distinct difference between losing the lbs and losing the inches. You can lose one without the other.

Some of your weight loss could be water? Or you could have burnt away fat but gained some muscle around that area?

Try to keep a record of your inches if that's what you are hoping to lose. Good luck hope you get the results you want soon. :)
Thanks. I don't think it is water weight. I lost 13 lbs in 3 months, so it definitely is fat I am losing. However, I do ab crunches, TVI, squats, pushups, and core strengthening/resistance training. I am definitely toner and may have some muscle gain, though on the scale it just shows I am losing. So I don't know...

I need to find a tape measure, lol
Now I DON'T KNOW if this is true - but it did work for ME....

Now I'm 5'4 1/2 and I weigh 134 pounds but my waist IS 26 inches... my waist and stomach were much bigger at one point but I started using the "Hula Hoop" and less than 1 month later I noticed a big decrease in both my waist and stomach area

Now I personally need to shape up (I bet you, you're in much better shape than I am and you know more than me) - so don't rely on what I have to say but this worked for me - you might wanna look into the effects of a "Hula Hoop"

Looking at your weight (which is really little) tells me it's not a weight issue - it may just be your shape (genetics?) or you may need to tone your waist (not sure if you have tried this or not)... Remember you're also much taller than me and it's natural for taller people to be a little "bigger" (that's not the word... hmmm sorry I don't know how to explain this)

Just thought I'd chip in as to what worked for me... but again I am a newbie myself and looking to improve my own physique

PS. Carrying a tape measurer can be your best friend of your worst enemy (I have one... in my case it's been the latter one lol)
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Thanks. I don't think it is water weight. I lost 13 lbs in 3 months, so it definitely is fat I am losing. However, I do ab crunches, TVI, squats, pushups, and core strengthening/resistance training. I am definitely toner and may have some muscle gain, though on the scale it just shows I am losing. So I don't know...

I need to find a tape measure, lol

The only way you could tell if you lost all fat is if you were doing body fat tests.

I think its just thats how your body is, genetics play a part in what your body will look like.
So good news

I found a tape measure, but it is one of those that snaps back into the large round construction, you know the plastic ones they use on work sites.

Anyways I used it and it seems I am down to 26 inches.

Do you think that type of tape measure is accurate? Sometimes based on its elastic quality I seem to be either 26 or 27 inches
it seems most women have a 26 inch waist if they are healthy

Where the heck did you hear that!? :) Doctor Google suggests that it's worse to be over 34 inches than it is to be under 31. "Average" in the 1950s was 27.5 inches, and is currently around 34 inches.

Waist-to-hip ratio is correlated pretty strongly with health and fertility, with 0.7 being "ideal" and 0.8 or higher putting you at risk for various health issues The important factor there, though, is being able to store fat in your hips without also storing it in your waist, and that's almost entirely genetic.