losing my belly.... how?


New member
Hi guys/girls

I'm a 48 yar old guy. 5'10" tall. After christmas (2006) i was 205 pounds.
By changing diet (mostly portion size) and with help of Hoodia pills to supress appetite, i dropped 27 pounds. I dont know if the Hoodia worked or whether it just a psychological thing. But, it all seemed to work whatever. Ideally i would like to loose a few more pounds. Get to 172 ish.

My problem is that i have a beer belly which i cant seem to lose, no mater what. I dont actually drink that much alcohol, only occasionally.

I exercise by cycling and using a step-twister machine and am actively working anyway, on my feet 12 hours a day.

So... is there ANYTHING I can do to lose that middle flab and handles?

you cannot spot reduce...

read around the forum for the workout threads for some ideas on kicking up your workout .. and do keep track of your calories... to know how many you are taking in.

and lose the pills... you really don't need them
Lol...i have the same problem...as far as the belly, i haven't figured that out yet. But for the sides, the love handles...what really works is the exercise (don't know what it's called) where you stand up straight and you try to slide your hand down (sideways) your leg as far as you can....one side at a time. Hope you understand what i'm trying to say...lol. Its like your trying to pick something up on the floor without bending your back.It really works, you see results pretty fast. But make sure that you do it evenly on both sides...i didn't at first...so one roll was smaller that the other, it was weird looking.
Lol...i have the same problem...as far as the belly, i haven't figured that out yet. But for the sides, the love handles...what really works is the exercise (don't know what it's called) where you stand up straight and you try to slide your hand down (sideways) your leg as far as you can....one side at a time. Hope you understand what i'm trying to say...lol. Its like your trying to pick something up on the floor without bending your back.It really works, you see results pretty fast. But make sure that you do it evenly on both sides...i didn't at first...so one roll was smaller that the other, it was weird looking.

Again, there's no exercise that will help you lose fat in a certain spot. You'll reduce fat from your overall frame, thats it.
Hey steve one thing I read said that you lose weight in the reverse order you put it on so when you have lost most of the fat from the other areas of your body there is a real chance it will come off of your midsection quite fast. You jsut need to keep losing fat until it starts to effect the belly area and it will be all down hill from there. Stick with it you will get there.
losing that belly

Your best bet it exercise, situps and crunchs. Make sure your drinking a lot of water. That will help your body get rid of the fat waste.

My problem is that i have a beer belly which i cant seem to lose, no mater what. I dont actually drink that much alcohol, only occasionally.

Hey there :). The beer belly is really a misnomer for a type of fat that lives near the organs, is very hard, and gives off dangerous hormones. This is a very unhealthy place to carry fat, and when you lose weight, this area will go down on its own without any specific exercise (as long as you're in a calorie deficit).

On the issue of spot reduction, the conventional wisdom is that spot reduction is not possible through exercise or any other natural means, but recently I've read about a few studies that suggested it was possible to lose from specific areas by getting a real burn and heat going in these areas through vigorous exercise. I dunno..
"but recently I've read about a few studies that suggested it was possible to lose from specific areas by getting a real burn and heat going in these areas through vigorous exercise. I dunno.."

I've never heard of that before ... sounds interesting but i'm skeptical. Can you send me a link to where you read about this?
While you may not lose much fat from your ab area doing sit-ups, it will certainly make it look better and more defined. And the best thing is, if you do it for at least a year, you will never lose the basic shape, even if you put on some fat! (I still have mine and I stopped doing crunches over 5 years ago!)
I would listen to what Need2BSmaller is saying; it seems to make sense.
Good luck! =)
In general men tend to carry any excess weight in their bellies. Women tend to carry it in the hips/thighs area.

With proper diet you will see a reduction in your belly, but you may see that last. A lot of my clients have a belly right up until they get to their goal.

You can do situps until you die, it will not shed fat from your middle as you cannot spot reduce. Yes, situps and other ab work will improve the muscle underneath but you still won't see your abs until you get rid of the fat.

Be patient, you'll get there as long as your diet is bang on and you continue to work out.
No, and you are also not allowed to ask people to email you about it. So don't.

Originally Posted by Csigler

There really is not a way to lose fast. I did come across a book that helped me out alot I lost a little over 40 pounds in about 18-19 weeks being on the program. The program only costed me like 29.99 I think. I really think if people are really serious about losing weight to try out the program. I have the internet site if you want to email me for it. I don't think I am allowed to post links on here.
I have been trying everything for 6 months, im gona tell you guy to guy the only way that works, these are the secretes to FAST results to increase muscle mass and burn off stubborn fat (30 lb within 3 months), anyone telling you to lose weight any faster than that is either full of it or the program is going to be so hard that you will quit on day 2 (insanity workout).

1) Protein, Buy Whey protein if you workout in the afternoon/day, and if you work out late I would recommend casein powder protein.

2) Don't eat bread.

3) If you eat bread, cut it in half/dig out the inside of the bread on the sandwich.


Bread: This needs explanation.

Bread is highly glycolic (causes insulin spikes), if you have insulin in your blood, your body WILL NOT burn fat.

So your diet should consist of foods that do not cause HUGE INSULIN SPIKES.

Also, bread is not bread anymore.... most of the wheat / bread is synthetic / genetically modified (wheat actually has addictive properties like nicotine in cigarettes) , so the more bread you eat, the more you will want to eat and it might make you feel full for a few hours, but all its doing is causing huge insulin spikes and forcing your body to store fat.

Now I am not advocating an Atkins diet, you can have pasta and such (just in moderation), and not every day.





4) Weight lifting, cardio is for girls.

Number one weight lifting exercise ! DEAD LIFT.

Buy a bar, buy 100 ~ 200 lb of plates, OR buy some dumbbells (at least 50 lb per arm in adjustable plates), I suggest the bowflex 552's or the 1090's if you are looking to save space (yes they are expensive 350$ ~ 560$ respectively... . that being said I use CHEAP adjustable plates/dumbbells that I got on Ebay because I can't justify spending 600$ on dead weight ^^.... I got 200 lb in plates and dumbbells for about a dollar an lb on ebay (which is pretty good for the price).

1) Deadlift

2) Squats

3) Bench press (with dumbbells is good)

PS: you might want to buy a bench, !!! they are cheap (like 90 to 150$)

4) any kind of cardio , do cardio when you are lazy to lift.


Every day, have whey protein.

Every day, take chromium, Magnesium, Zinc, calcium (picolonate and citrate forms only!)

Water, Drink lots and lots of water, as close to a gallon a day as you can without drowning.... at least 6 cups.

Chromium will prevent/mitigate huge insulin spikes allowing your body to turn to fat more for energy consumption.

Zinc will prevent estrogen build up.

Magnesium will provide a boost to blood flow/keep the muscles from hurting much and combined with zinc will boost testosterone a bit.

Protein Shakes provide your body with the raw material to repair and fine tune itself.

If you have protein and glutamine in your blood, you will feel less hungry and your body will get to work building muscle/using all the protein legos you gave it.

Eat ATLEAST 1500 calories a day MINUMUM, and have one binge eating day every 11 ~ `12 days.... like eat 1500 calories to 1800 calories a day for 11 days and then on the 11th or 12th day break the diet and pig out (2000 ~ 2500 calories of stuff you like) BUT don't eat the large meals at the end of the day, NEVER EAT 3 ~ 4 hours before you go to bed and IF you do eat before bed, MAKE SURE ITS NOTHING MORE THAN A HANDFUL of blueberries or something small like that.

o and the last thing.

FIBER, LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF FIBER to keep the protein moving!!!

Anyone telling you that its not possible to lose weight just doesn't care enough to try, I was 200 lb , 5'8" and I lost 40 lb doing what I stated above, 3 times a week.

I wasn't even THAT dedicated to my workout (at first) but it worked.

This will work for ANY guy out there looking to lose 30 to 50 lb.

Rememeber the last 10 lb are always the hardest! so don't get discouraged when your results start to slow down, thats just your signal to TRY HARDER and STICK WITH IT!
PS: Spot reduction is possible, in the sense that if you know how your body stores fat you can achieve your goal.

Working abs wont decrease body fat around the gut, BUT working the back might!.

I find that with my body, I lose fat from top to middle and from bottom to middle.

So I lose fat on my legs , thigh , Face, Upper back, Chest , Sides and THEN my naval area (Imagine an arrow of fat burning from your head to your belly button and another arrow from your toes to you belly button).

This is how I have been burning fat...., your body may be different , when it comes to burning fat.... your goal should be Body Fat % reduction (over-all) not just "losing fat around your gut"

Think about it! it kinda makes sense to lose the fat all over your body evenly ! because if you just lost fat around your stomach, you would have huge fat legs and giant tits and a chubby face with a skeleton stomach.

It would look horrible.

Your better off reducing fat slightly from ALL OVER your body.... slowly replacing as much of it as you can with muscle mass.
I just looked through the posts here....this is an old thread. Is the OP still looking for answers lol? If so, make sure your diet is in order and you are doing some sort of strength training. If you aren't lifting and just hitting lots of cardio you will run the risk of looking like a smaller version of what you already are. Skinny Fat is not a good look for anyone so if you want that belly to go down keep the cardio but also make an effort to build some muscle.
Originally Posted by skylinegtrsteve

Hi guys/girls

I'm a 48 yar old guy. 5'10" tall. After christmas (2006) i was 205 pounds.
By changing diet (mostly portion size) and with help of Hoodia pills to supress appetite, i dropped 27 pounds. I dont know if the Hoodia worked or whether it just a psychological thing. But, it all seemed to work whatever. Ideally i would like to loose a few more pounds. Get to 172 ish.

My problem is that i have a beer belly which i cant seem to lose, no mater what. I dont actually drink that much alcohol, only occasionally.

I exercise by cycling and using a step-twister machine and am actively working anyway, on my feet 12 hours a day.

So... is there ANYTHING I can do to lose that middle flab and handles?


Try these tips to lose your weight. You need to eat vegetables and fruits and salads. They are essential foods that will help you stay healthy. Do exercise regularly and drink much water.You should take fiber rich foods. Take less fatty foods to avoid weight gain.