Losing 30lbs? Advice welcome

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Hey all, hope everyone is having a great day. First My name is Mike and I turned 35 2 days ago. Im 6'1 230lbs.. im looking to drop 30 lbs... I have a wife and 2 daughters 3 months and 5 yrs old. I work mon-fri 7-5. Well let me start by saying most of the time im drained out from work and home life. I haven't been to the gym in 2 months after going faithfully for 1 year 4-5 days a week. Im looking for advice, tips or anything really. I need to change my life now while im still semi young. Diets? etc helpful

thank you
Take the family for a walk after dinner would allow you to move around more and not depart the newborn. Would be a start. Could do a jumping jacks work out. Lunge, squat, high step, all things you can do around the house. Things that exert more force and energy. Focusing in on what you eat if you just can't work out will go a long way too.
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