Weight-Loss Lose Weight diet

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:) Hi. I would appreciate input on a good weight loss diet with low to no sugar diet. We've been on a diet which allows broiled meats and vegetables. This diet does not allow breads, rice, beans, sweets. Now I need to control my sugar level plus drop weight. I'm now using splenda sugar substitute on my one cup of morning coffee. I stopped drinking pear juice, and ice tea, and only drink water.

To control sugar, is it OK to put raisins and nuts on my oatmeal? I also stopped eating regular jello, I wonder what the diet jello taste like? I do drink one glass of grape juice, and one banana at night. Which fruits are OK? I wonder if someone who is watching the same things I'm watching can offer input.
Who suggested this diet to you?

I am very skeptical of diets that cut out food groups - especially something like beans - which are high in protein and fiber. I can see cutting out processed white flour products -but whole grains are good for you...

Diet jello? I find it too sweet - unnaturally sweet but if you like it it's a good treat i suppose
Thanks, you're right as to the importance of grains. if you would be so kind, I got a ticker at ticker factory in html. How do I add (paste) it to my profile so that it shows each time like yours.
Your Diet is Wrong!

I am afraid that the diet you're following is not working for you. Avoid all artificial food like Jello. Bananas and other sugar rich fruits are not good for you. You should eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. You can use raw honey as sweetener, edible seeds, nuts, legumes, wild fish, fish oil capsules and emulsions, occasionally range fed brown chicken eggs.

Totally avoid high glycemic foods like rice, white bread, white sugar, bown sugar, potatoes and juicy fruits.

You should eat mostly fresh organically grown veggies and their juices. Drink at least a gallon of water per day.

You must do Yoga breathing exercises like reverse breathing and alternate nostril breathing to reactivate your pancreas ( insulin producing beta cells) as well as to balance your hormones.
All previous postings in this thread are from early 2007. I doubt that the person is still waiting for replies...
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