Sport Lose The Fat Keep The Muscle

Sport Fitness
I know how to keep a healthy diet but I lack in knowing how to burn fat without starving myself. I am 5'5 female and currently have 21.5% body fat which i am trying to get down to 18-19%. Do you know any diet tricks so I do not lose my muscle too? I weigh only 111 lbs so i dont need to see the scale go down too much more. If you have any ideas or plans you have used before that would be great!
Honestly, as long as you eat enough protein throughout the day and actually do resistance training with challenging weights, you're not going to lose muscle. A lot of people freak out....but just keep it simple, focus on these "bigger" objectives...and the small details just slip into place.

Good luck!

112 lbs lost and counting!

I did it all at home...I love Turbulence Training !
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I will tell you from experience, do not starve yourself, and do not skip heavy resistance training. I did both, and while i lost fat, i lost just as much or even more muscle. I am going with the standard deficit 2 lbs. of fat loss per week route right now, and after the first week i have much more energy than i did with the starvation diet, and i no longer look forward to my days off, because they are no longer necessary. Slow and steady should be your route to fat loss, it may take longer, but you will feel better and it will be much better for your health.
Honestly, as long as you eat enough protein throughout the day and actually do resistance training with challenging weights, you're not going to lose muscle. A lot of people freak out....but just keep it simple, focus on these "bigger" objectives...and the small details just slip into place.

Good luck!

112 lbs lost and counting!

I did it all at home...I love Turbulence Training!

What I have highlighted is not necessarily true. If one is in a deficit diet to lose tissue, and is weight training, one can in fact lose muscle AND fat tissue. Weight training will provide a "reason" to keep the muscle, but not necessarily keep all the muscle while deficiting. The body will try to keep what it can, and "dependent on the amount of deficit" (and other factors), a person can create a program to maintain post of it; however, its a high probability "some" will be lost. Some can manage to gain muscle and lose fat tissue at the same time (dependent on the prior history of the person, and considering new to weight training gains,etc). However, we cannot provide a blanket value to all persons. There are exceptions, and one CAN lose muscle tissue while deficiting.

Best regards,

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Before anyone hits a panic switch, I want to point out that:

You can lose a little bit of muscle without getting weaker at all! Your body just learns how to maintain the same strength & make do with what it's got. So I wouldn't really worry about this.
As long as you eat enough protein throughout the day and actually do resistance training with challenging weights, you're not going to lose muscle.Weight training will provide a "reason" to keep the muscle, but not necessarily keep all the muscle while deficits. The body will try to keep what it can, and "dependent on the amount of deficit"
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while I agree with Chillen's post, I still feel that lifting heavy weight during a cutting phase is important.
it makes little sense to train in the hypertrophy range of 8-12 reps/set, because you don't have the caloric intake to fuel the recovery, at least not optimally.

and since 'strength' is related to 'mind-muscle' connection and the ability of the nervous system to activate muscle fibers, it makes more sense to train for strength, in the lower rep ranges, as this typically does less damage to the muscle tissue, helps preserve (or even increase) functional strength...and its damn good for you.

However, coming back to one of CHillen's points...everyone is unique. There WILL be people out there that do better on a higher rep range when cutting (due to genetics). Hell some might even do well on an endurance style resistence routine (i.e. really high rep ranges...14-20/set).

There are some generic things you can do, but it largely boils down to figuring out what's right for YOUR body and genetics.

I personally do low reps during a cut, because it does seem to help me hold on to most of my lean muscle tissue. But I also pound down the protein and carb cycle, in addition to dropping a little below maintenance calories.
You will not lose any muscle AT ALL as long as you maintain a lot of protein throughout the day. If you consume at least 120g (200 would be ideal) of protein per day, you won't lose muscle and still trim down the fat. How? This is just common sense, let me explain in few sentences.

All you have to do is to consume foods that does not contain much fat. This is pretty easy, meat doesn't contain much fat. Avoid dairy, only consume the amount needed for calcium, egg, rices, pasta, etc. You don't want to consume too much carbs either.

Now a little bit longer to give more encouragement if needed.

I am doing this for now (for the past week or so to continue for a month) to lose my stomach fat. I run every two days for 30 mins (I'm new to running, as in haven't run much for a long time) work out every two days on my body. I pretty much work out everyday in one way or another. I estimate that I am consuming only a thousand and five hundred calories with less than 40 percent daily fat. I am losing a significant amount of stomach fat already, only that the process is slower because I kind of do cheat with eating at night (after 7:30pm) few times or buying foods at restaurant. But if you don't cheat at all, I can promise that you will be losing fat while maintaining your muscle and will notice a significant result within two weeks. In my case, I am losing fat AND building muscle at the same time. How do you think that guy from Lord Of the Ring, History of Violence, Eastern Promise have the muscular body, yet is skinny (well not skinny but lean skinny in a normal way)? Just by maintaining same amount of calories as normal but contain huge percentage of protein. If an adult on 2000 calories daily consume 50 percent protein of that calories (can easily be done and has been done), he will pack on muscles but will not gain fat.

Makes sense doesn't it?