Weight-Loss Loosing Weight and the Sports Drink



New member
Helllo all,
I was wondering...as I excersize, run/jog, bike ride, - should I bother with the sports drinks? Not the sugary ones but maybe propel or accelerade or something?
If I am trying to burn calories, wouldn't that defeat the purpose for the exersize? Or would the drink help extend my run and recovery and therefor ead to more enjoyable runs that will burn more calories inthe long run?

Thanks in advance for any input!
When I exercise, I only drink normal water.

Some of my friends drink gatorade, powerade, or propel but I've heard that unless you're doing a HARD workout, there's no point in drinking that.

I think it's probably just safe to stick to normal water.
It's sweat loss during athletic efforts that is the biggest problem. If you are doing short workouts in a controlled environment it's not a big deal. If you're sweating like a pig while maintaining a high output for long periods of time, you should be using something. You lose alot of electrolytes and sodium and need to replace what you can. You lose alot more fluid if you drink only water. Refueling is important too but most people get hung up on this and ignore the sweat loss factor. Alot of people drinking this stuff during weight loss efforts don't really need to refuel though, it's all in their heads.

Personally, I think for weight loss efforts, they're usually not needed. For athletic level efforts, they are most definitely needed. Mainly depends on how much you're sweating and how long you plan to keep exercising after you've started sweating like a pig.

Also, standard Gatorade is a bunch of crap compared to other products that are out there. I've had great luck with PowerBar mix, lots of sodium. Before I found that stuff, after 45 minutes I would just get slower and slower, even though I wasn't bonking. I can perform tons better on PowerBar mix than Gatorade. HEED tastes like crap. Been meaning to try Accelerade. Gu2O is supposed to be good.
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The energy drinks help you get a better workout.
You really shouldn't use caffeine as a diet aid. While it does give you artificial energy, it also slows your metabolism and decreases the amount of fat you can burn. It's counter-intuitive to the entire workout/diet process.
Personally, I think for weight loss efforts, they're usually not needed. For athletic level efforts, they are most definitely needed. Mainly depends on how much you're sweating and how long you plan to keep exercising after you've started sweating like a pig.

Exactly what I was saying.

When I played sports in high school, propel gave us free water. But that's because we were athletes who did intense 3-4 hour workouts 6 days a week.

Now that I just go to the gym myself, I never drink anything but plain water. Sometimes I see people at the gym drinking gatorade and sitting on a stationary bike, biking at 50 rpm... or drinking diet sprite while they run.. im like.. WTF? ARE U SERIOUS?
When I played sports in high school, propel gave us free water. But that's because we were athletes who did intense 3-4 hour workouts 6 days a week.

You don't need that kind of activity level to justify Propel. Actually it's kind of strange. There's just not hardly anything to it so it doesn't help or hurt much at all. Propel still really isn't a sports drink that can support that kind of efforts. It tastes halfway good, and that's about it. If you can get by on Propel, you really don't need any sports drink at all. For one serving, you're getting about 10 calories from sugar, a few vitamins, and that's about it. It doesn't have the amount of carbs, sodium, calories, electrolytes, or anything that would actually help you much at all, but, if you're trying to lose weight and just want the taste of a sports drink that may be a good choice.

Look at the difference between PowerBar mix and Propel... 18 times the calories, 13 times the carbs, 14 times the sodium, etc. Anybody doing hard athletic training with the volumes you mentioned really needs to graduate to something a little more potent than Propel.
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Thanks all for the insight...I walk/run about 35-40min and then run the stadium steps once or twice thru...I do feel out of gas toward the end but I am out of shape. I just don't want to defeat my purpose by adding more calories when I am trying to burn them!

Thanks again.
Thanks all for the insight...I walk/run about 35-40min and then run the stadium steps once or twice thru...I do feel out of gas toward the end but I am out of shape. I just don't want to defeat my purpose by adding more calories when I am trying to burn them!

Thanks again.

You have little if any need for an electrolyte enriched drink for a walk/run of that duration and suspected intensity. Simply be sure to drink at least 2.5L of water a day and don't cut your sodium intake down to nothing as allot of people are doing now days..