Loose weight

Hi All,
I have started my half marathon training 3 weeks ago and in general I am back to jogging in a 6-7 weeks. I am progresing OK with the training (last Sunday I ran 11 kilometers without problem) but my weight just frozen. I should loose a 6-8 kilograms but seems running will not be enough.
What is your recommendation pleasae. Should I start a diet - brrr

Sounds like the right thing to do.
I am 35 years old male, 183cm and 88kg. My body type is normal but I am tend to get some fat on when I am laid back too long.
Weight Lifting Routine

Hey Gabb,
Have you been weight lifting as well as running? Lifting weights increases muscle mass, which boosts the metabolism and burns fat. Lift weights while doing cardio, will equal a lean and strong body. As far as diets go, just eat 4-6 small portions a day. carbs before a workout and protein after a workout.
If you have any questions about weight lifting, please feel free to write.

Have a great day!
Also, the more you run, the more your body adapts to that. There is an old adage among triathletes: To be good at something, do it a lot, but if you want a great body, do a lot of things. If you only run, it will be hard to lose the weight unless you back off on the Calories consumed. If however, you incorporate weight training, resistance training, bodyweight training or even manual labor, anything that your body is not used to, it will respond by burning Calories more quickly and building muscle, which is always a good thing unless you are a world class runner.
You should not need to diet. You need to be eating right all the time. Diet gives the conotation of temporary. That won't do anything for you in the long term.
if your training for a race then you shouldnt be worriying about your weight. just make sure your eatting the right foods.
What kind of training are you using? Does your program incorporate intervals/hills, long and short runs, speed workouts? I have found that when I train for half marathons, the best results, as far as weight loss and being able to perform better at each half, have come from a combination of all of these types of training. You might log on to runnersworld.com, they have a link that you can go to and create your own personalized training program.... you can enter previous times, goals, how hard you would like to train etc. It's what I have used for 4 halfs and have loved it every time!