Sport loose skin!!!! HELP

Sport Fitness
hi, im only 14, but ive lost about 80lbs off of the Atkins diet/ cabbage soup diet. now im left with loose skin and clear stretch marks . i dont know what to do. i've heard of THIOMULPLEX cream for the loose skin, and BARMON STRETCH MARK cream for the stretch marks, but im confused about what to do. i've researched my problem on the internet and i get mixed options, they go from creams to lowering my bodyfat. i need some advice to point me in the right direction. because soon im on a quest to get a six pack, and i want that to be my final project.
This is one of the reasons why you should not lose weight too quickly!
You're probably lacking a lot of muscle, especially if you have been doing the atkins diet to the rule book.
Get working on the weights, and get your nutrition in check.
thanks. i dont know if i really did Atkins by the rule book. i basically ate just protein and veggies, but i did cut out carbs.
Is it not true this edventually go away on own it's? I read something on this guy who lost like 200 lbs and had a problem like this to a moe extrem level, took em a while though.
I have plenty of extra skin from the days of playing football at 302lbs, now at about 220 there is lots of extra. I saw a skin doctor and asked about it, he basically said it'll all go away in bout 30 years and if I want it gone faster has to be removed surgically. Saw a surgeon who agreed with that assement too, although the price tag has made me decide to just deal with it for now.
Yep, a Huge chunk of what you lost is muscle. You need to pack it on the same way as everyone else. Eat healthy complete with some carbs and lift weights. You may need to get the extra skin removed surgically- bit for some people it just works itself out. I knew one guy who dropped 150 lbs (on the lazy jobless stoner diet which I do not reccommend) and while he could never acheve any definition he just turned flat and slim around his arms and tummy. Just try to turn bodybuilder and eat heavy and lift heavy and keep im mind that your body has not decided its fate yet. I have a feeling that since your body naturally forces you to gain lots of weight that you will have no problem packing on lots of quality muscle provided you stay very dedicated to your workouts and diet
Do some weights and bulk up. You should fill out the skin in no time. ;)