Looking To Lose Weight


New member
Hi all,

I am a 36 year old asian man. I am 173cm tall and weigh 97kg, so I am classified as "obese". I am starting a diary here to keep myself accountable and hopefully get some support and advice. Currently my strategy is to eat around 1000 calories a day. (I order food from a healthy food service which delivers to where I live). Besides that, I live a sedentary lifestyle(not working so I stay at home all day watching videos) , but just this month I have started walking / jogging 1 - 2 hours everyday (I try to burn about 500 calories each time i exercise , as measured using my watch which measures calories lost). My goal is to eventually reach around 67kg which is my ideal weight , so I have about 30 kgs to lose.
Hello Mr. Goat and welcome! Your daily calories seem quite low, especially if you work off 500 extra calories every day, although I´m glad to see you´re eating healthy food. How long have you been keeping that up?
Hey, good for you, Mr Goat! Especially the walking/jogging. It's true that eating less is the main way to lose weight, but getting some exercise will help you to feel good, and to look good, too!
Welcome to the website, and I look forward to hearing how the 30 kg starts to drop away!
So ....

I had a cheat meal on Sunday ( 6 days of dieting and 1 day of normal eating in a week for me) where I ate perhaps 2500 calories instead of 1000 calories. Then when I weighed myself today (on Monday morning), my weight jumped about 0.5kg (abit more than a pound) to 96.5kg. Throughout the whole of today , it has stayed at about the same level (96.5kg). Is it normal to gain weight so fast after a cheat day ? I spent a week to lose 1kg, and gained 0.5kg after a single day of eating ...
Hey Mr Goat, I think you are doing fine.

It is normal for weight to vary a lot day to day, up and down. You need to watch the longer term trends. I weigh myself every morning and have been for almost the past year. I find that has helped me to better understand those ups and downs. I only publish my weight weekly, and then try to use a 3 day rolling average rather than a single reading, works for me. Others prefer not to weigh so often, that can help too.

The other thing I do is no cheat days, I find it hard to get back to the diet after a cheat day and don't get much from one. Not that my calories don't vary a bit day to day, they do. I just tell you what I do for reference, I know its not necessarily the best thing for you, everyone has to find their own way in this.
It´s absolutely normal for your weight to jump up after a cheat day (your gut is fuller, and usually "cheat food" has more carbs and salt than "health food", causing you to retain water) and as long as your cheat day is "only" 2500 kcal I see no harm in it. The risk of uncontrolled cheat days is that they can turn into ever-larger binges you look forward to all week. That big jump should be gone again tomorrow or the day after.
Hey all, its been sometime since i last posted. Unfortunately my weight loss seems to have stalled somewhat in these past 3 months. I have only lost about 2 kg in 3 months --- down to 88kg now. I have mostly been following the same routine, but the weight loss has slowed dramatically. Anyone knows what could be the possible reason for my weight loss plateau ? Thanks
I've had and beaten plateaux in the past and can give you a few ideas of things I have done to get past them...
  • go through your food plan and check all the individual targets to make sure that things like protein, fibre, sodium, calcium, water are all on track... I once had sodium creep up on me and while the calories were good - I was ignoring the rest
  • switch things around a bit - I had one plateau that I got past by starting to have breakfast (as I was skipping it) and another that I got past by skipping breakfast.
  • upping exercise levels has worked for me before too...
If your calories haven´t stealthily been creeping up (usually the case) maybe you´re not exercising quite as much or the exercise you do perform is no longer as strenuous as it used to be. Once you´re more used to running it definitely gets more efficient and less calorie-destroying.