looking to get fit/Train for High School Football

Hi, all as you can tell I'm new to the forum since this is my first post. Sorry If this is the millionth post about some teenage guy trying to get fit and try-out for football.:11doh:

Age - 15 years old
Birthday: Dec. 31, 1991 (New Years Eve :p)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 123 pounds ( Based off of this website: it says I am within a healthy weight range between 89 to 126 )

I have no experience in weight training however my dad has a "Total Sports America" exercise machine (with a bench press and other equipment I'm unaware of lol) and today I wanted to see how much I could lift and I found out I could lift 135 (bar it self is 45 pounds + 45(45) on each side) I don't know if thats good or bad for a first timer male my age and height.

My goals:

To become fit(six pack, stronger and faster etc. I want a six pack because to me people who have a six pack are usually people who care about their health as well as their physique. I'm one of those type of people.)

Try-out for my schools football team next school year. Haven't decided the position though I'm looking at being a Defense end or Safety (FS) because I'm pretty fast and really good defense type of player though when the time comes to play offense I am good also because of my speed(yes, I'm African American and I'm proud to be black and fast :) ).

Is my weight healthy for my age?
Whats a healthy sports diet to gain weight if I'm not healthy?
Anyone have good tips for high school football Pre-season training?
Would anyone recommend me another position besides a tight end?(no, I'm not a good thrower)

Any Tips/Advice will be appreciated
Thanks, Average Joe
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28 views yet, no responses :( cmon people I need your advice ;9
Can you list the detailed equipment you have? Is that bar a standard weight bar? How many days a week can you train?

How important is making the football team?
Can you list the detailed equipment you have? Is that bar a standard weight bar? How many days a week can you train?

How important is making the football team?

TSA - Total Sports America brand workout machine. (Bench press, Flies, Curls, Tricep pull down, lat pull, leg extension, etc). I'm pretty sure it's a standard bar...How much does a standard bar weight?

<--- equipment looks similar to this one but, newer version.

I can train (if I have to) everyday because the equipment is at my house. I can also go to the gym because my mom has membership at 24 hour fitness.

Well, i've already talked to the coach and he said sure I can join(the school I go to not many people want to play sports). Oh btw, I live in a part of california(can't say due to safety issue's) were teens in general aren't as tall as teen's back in the day were. Although I'm short I'm seriously tough for someone of my stature so don't get the picture of me as someone who's small and weak lol.
Thinking about either playing defensive end or safety is weird because they are two almost completey different positions. If you want to be a df end, your going to need to get alot bigger, but still maintain your speed. And Free Safety is probaly the second hardest position in football. Your the qb of the defense. You have to be very smart, very fast, and very strong to play this position. If your up to the challenge go for it. If it is strength your looking for id go with a 5x5 program.
Wait. How big is the average guy at your age where you live? I mean, I'm 5.11/6ft and 158lbs, and I'm telling you, when I play rugby matches for the school the smallest players probably 5.5 at least, then there are some dudes around 6.2. My brothers about your height and your weight, and he's as tough as nails. You're going to have to bust a gut to make the team, presuming the standards are average. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it's true.
This program would be a great . I'd do sprints instead of the exercise bike and ellipse machine though ....
Train Smart!

Average Joe,

Build strength/power and the weight will come. Too many athletes try to put on weight and their speed and quickness diminishes. You need to first start with body resistance exercises. Stability before mobility. Machines and non-weight bearing exercises are detrimental, you need to be moving in multiple planes with multi-joint exercises. In terms of nutrition, keep it simple. Make sure your eating healthy food frequently. Good luck!

Erik ()
A good start would be to talk to your weight-lifting teacher at school, so he can guide you through different weight exercises until you get the right form so you can do them on your own. Olympic lifts (cleans, jerks, snatches) are great for building total body coordination, explosive speed, strength, etc. Also do some drills to develop change of direction, stability, acceleration, top-end speed, stopping.

As far as gaining weight, don't worry about that. Concentrate on body composition...because you can gain weight while gaining fat, something that you DO NOT want to do. It's detrimental to your health and athleticism. Eat a healthy (low-fat, healthy carbs and protein) diet and train 3-4-5 times a week, depending on your schedule. Give your body rest in between workouts, and you'll see results.