Looking for weight loss buddy

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New member
Hi, I am looking for a weight loss buddy. Here are my stats:

Age: 15

Height: 5'3

Starting weight: 270 lbs

Current weight: 235 lbs

Goal weight: 150 lbs

Feel free to reply or PM me if you would like to be weight loss buddies XD
For weight loss you need to be determined and strict towards your diet and exercise. Routine exercise for 2-3 hours will surely help you. You have to change your diet plan and include fresh fruits and vegetable. Avoid diary and animal products and all kind of fatty foods.
AI am looking for some support too. But you are so young! Weight will fall off you pretty easy. I remember being in my teens. I was way too involved with my weight, exercise and cutting out sodas or fast food worked for me back then; now it takes a lot more work since I'm in my late 20s. But I can still try to be supportive. I'm a health professional too so I do know a lot about the body and exercise. My problem isn't knowledge tho, it's hard to be motivated when you work so hard like I do. I just want to rest and eat! I need to lose for my friends wedding, I'm a brides maid. :)
The health advantages of fruits and veggies come from numerous nutritional supplements working together synergistically. Fruit and vegetable diet is quite effective when it comes to healthy lifestyle and weight loss.Soup eating plan, vegetable eating plan, lowfat eating plan, low-carb eating plan...
I believe in what's been said very often:
1. Smart weight loss is accomplished by living cook. You need to and exercising.
2. Weight loss is very simple mathematics: calorie intake has to be lower than the amount of calories you burn, et voila!
Ok to the starter of this thread you are incredible! how did you lose that weight please tell me how? though i am quite a lot older than you I know there is/ must still be hope.

I am 278 8ft should be no more then 160 lbs.

Please enlighten and sure I will go along with you all on this weight loss journey.
I'll do it with you! I've been looking for a weight loss buddy..my friends always cheat or give up :(. I'm 5'6 and 160, with 185 as my starting weight.

Here's the site I use for all my recipe ideas, workout tips, and all of that good stuff, in case you haven't found one already or want another one to reference. It's been a big help so far. A friend of mine works at a medical practice that has a natural weight loss program, but since I can't really afford it right now, I just go to their weight loss program's healthy living blog.


Let's do this together! My goal weight is about 145.
I will try to not cheat or give up I will give my solemn oath, though it's sorely tempting as i am taking forever to move to a lower number....
I have a family wedding to attend and I am determined to wear a ball gown not a tent!

I need to lose weight fast, in three months whats the most i can do just by starving i.e. veg and soup?
i was right where you are! i started at 200 and now i am at 178 and dropped 10% body fat and down to 8%! if you need advice or a the products i used because they worked WONDERS for me let me know.. good luck!
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