Weight-Loss Looking for the Best Smoothie Machine to buy.



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Good morning!

I am considering the purchase of a personal blender. Currently I spend about $4.50 a day on a smoothie at the restaurant in my workplace. I'd like to make these myself since I stay full longer and really enjoy the convience of a shake.

There are so many brands available and I was curious as to your experiences and what you might suggest as the blender to buy.

So far I've heard of:
Tribest Personal Blender
Bella Cucina Rocket Blender
Maxi-Matic Elite Cuisine
Magic Bullet

Any help?
I'm not a fan of smoothies but for blending purposes, and many many many frozen margaritas have been made in mine - I wouldn't trade my KitchenAid for anything - it's a little more expensive than your average Waring Bar blender, but it's got a good motor that will last forever.

when you're l ooking at blenders, go for a higher horsepower that wil ensure that the ice gets crushed up...
The absolute best blender is the BlendTec blender, but it is very pricy! This is the blender they use in many professional smoothie places like JambaJuice. They have a home model and my husband and I bought one for making smoothies. It was worth the money. We tried putting just ice in it and it came out like a snow cone (shaved ice). It will blend anything you put in it and the consistency is great. Like I said, it's very expensive though!
Hey. I do own a magic bullet but, I don't know if I would recommend it. It works good but, is kind of a hassle to clean and stuff. I make more food items like hummus, guacamole, etc. with my magic bullet.

Personally I don't drink a lot of smoothies. I do manage to have a protein shake almost everyday though. I went out and bought a 20 dollar handmixer at Target and just blend milk, and protein powder, and a little water and I have a protein shake. Sometimes I will mix in a ff yogurt or a banana but, not lately since I am trying to be more strict with my caloric intake. Then, all I do is rinse the mixer off. It stays by the sink, and is super easy and convienient.

Like Mal said, I know KitchenAid is a great brand. It just depends on what kind of investment you want to make I guess...

Good Luck with your purchase :)

Good morning,

There is a lot of good advice here, what I should have said is I need it to be portable, as in I want it at my office. I have a Kitchenaid at home and it's great, but I need something to keep at the office. I would be using ice, whey, and most fruit (except bananas, too high in sugar).

I'll keep looking!