Looking for Support


New member
Hi, I'm Sarah!

I'm new to this forum and joined to gain the support/advice of those also going through their weight loss journey. I'm currently a full time student studying Hospitality Management. I've always been overweight and am really wanting to FINALLY put in the work to get down to my goal weight. In high school I weighted my max at 180 and went through a my first (and so far only) major weight loss by doing weight watchers with my mom. I lost a total of 40 pounds and felt pretty good about myself. Since then I have gained about half of that back and have begun feeling pretty lousy about it. I hope to find some support from you all to help me get back to feeling good about myself and maybe be able to help others in return.

Thanks! :waving:
Your best bet, IMO, is some kind of calorie counting. This nice review paper, , concludes that while exercise helps, most of the impact comes from controlling your calorie intake. (Also, exercise has other health benefits, so by all means exercise, but not as your primary means of controlling your weight.)

The easiest way to get started is to just record what you eat for a week, then calculate the average calories/day from your logs. Then just try to eat fewer calories than that average every day.

Better yet, if you repeat that process of looking back and averaging every week or two you'll slowly, steadily reduce your calorie intake and your weight.

Hi Saraha,
You sound like a beautiful lady no matter what you weigh, don't feel bad about yourself because you gain weight, TRUE friends will love you for who you are .... the wonderful lady you are! I have been struggling with weight loss for years and have been just gaining weight little by little until just recently. Now I am losing weight and not wanting to snack it's amazing. I will add you as a friend if thats ok please accept.

We all need the support, I am a big guy (370lbs) but on the way to losing it (lost 15lbs, just started), my long term goal is to get to 200 to 225. But even with the weight (guys carry it easier unfortunately) because of my attitude and love that I show for everyone it's amazing how many friends I have including my Girl Friend Melissa who told me she never met a man like me :)

So attitude is everything, hope we can talk more and help support each other take care *HUGS*