Looking for some weight loss advice


New member
Hi everyone, This winter i gained a ton of weight and i am just out of shape. Im hoping some of you guys could help me in learning how to get fit.

Im a 23 year old male looking to gain some muscle but mostly lose my stomach, and man breasts...

Im having trouble losing weight. Ive tryed cutting calories and going to the gym but its just not working out.

Recently ive been taking a protein drink for breakfast, chicken cutlet on a roll for lunch , and grilled chicken for dinner at night, and ive

been hitting the gym , jogging for 30 minutes and then lifting weights in every muscle group.

What kind of diet is the best for my situation, I cant stand vegetables or fruits other than bananas which makes it hard to eat healthy.

Im more of a eggsandwich and cheeseburger kind of guy and was wondering if anyone has had the same problem and what you started

eating to lose the weight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried Oatmeal? And cabbage soup?
How have you been doing this? Cutting calories and going to the gym will work. The only thing missing from your post is your height and weight (to know your actual maintenance calorie) and the level of intensity when you are at the gym. We have to know for certain or at least a great certain how many calories we are actually taking in versus what we think we are taking in.

Keep it up.
How have you been doing this? Cutting calories and going to the gym will work. The only thing missing from your post is your height and weight (to know your actual maintenance calorie) and the level of intensity when you are at the gym. We have to know for certain or at least a great certain how many calories we are actually taking in versus what we think we are taking in.

Keep it up.

I agree with this, and just to add how long have you been doing this? It can seem slow but look at it in the long term - if you lose weight gradually you're more likely to keep it off.

Try to aim for a healthier lifestyle and include a variety of unprocessed foods. Fruit and vegetables are the best option, and from a calorie point of view means you can eat a greater volume (so you feel fuller) without using up as many calories. Maybe try and incorporate 1 or 2 you don't mind too much? I like mixing them into sauces and stuff to bulk them up without noticing how much veg is in them. This isn't necessary though, from a weight loss point of view you need to be reducing your calories overall, so just make sure your portion sizes are appropriate. With foods like burgers, do you buy them or make them from scratch? If you make them yourself you know exactly how much fat etc is in them and can adjust it if necessary, plus they're loads healthier.

Keep going, with the exercise you'll still be improving your body composition, and making gradual changes to your diet will pay off over time.
Hi Njharro

I recommend that you keep a diary of all your foods / drinks that you intake for a period of time for 7 days. Make a note at what time you ate and how you felt at the time i.e. trying to understand emotional triggers for eating.

I would also recommend that you take measurements and various different places as you wont notice weight loss immediately but you will notice your body changing shape. Remember muscle weighs 3 x as much as fat.

Do you do CV work first or second before you hit the weights?

How often do you go to the gym per week?

How many sets and reps are you doing in each muscle group?

If you are taking protein shake - does this include whey? If so, I can I suggest you take a protein shake that the body absorbs 100%. Our body finds it difficult to process diary and therefore no doubt you will have some wastage.

I am new to this site. I can send you a diary plan and measurement chart - how do I do that? Is it via email?

Has a Personal Trainer set you a programme at the gym?
In the morning, try warm lemon water with honey or sugar. I read a lot of this information and they say it works for them, I am into a week now and I feel good about it.
1.have a spicific diet plan from a dietitian.
2.have a spcific training plan for weight loss (from an experienced gym/sport instructor).
(tip. dont do intense cardio before weight training)
3.follow thos plans like a robot
4.be skinny & sexy
good luck.
Can you remember your food intake and your lifestyle before this winter? You gain ton of pounds in this winter definitely because what you did 1-2 months before this winter. The simplest thing to do, just take a full glass of water every morning, and still many more simple things that should become your habit.
How about a beautiful girl friend? If you not yet have one, get that first and go to the gym with her. She will be your motivation to work out, that will be work, guarantee haha. Good luck!
Hi everyone, This winter i gained a ton of weight and i am just out of shape. Im hoping some of you guys could help me in learning how to get fit.

Im a 23 year old male looking to gain some muscle but mostly lose my stomach, and man breasts...

Im having trouble losing weight. Ive tryed cutting calories and going to the gym but its just not working out.

Recently ive been taking a protein drink for breakfast, chicken cutlet on a roll for lunch , and grilled chicken for dinner at night, and ive

been hitting the gym , jogging for 30 minutes and then lifting weights in every muscle group.

What kind of diet is the best for my situation, I cant stand vegetables or fruits other than bananas which makes it hard to eat healthy.

Im more of a eggsandwich and cheeseburger kind of guy and was wondering if anyone has had the same problem and what you started

eating to lose the weight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Not to attack you but it pains me when people say they went to the gym and dieted and it didnt work....

You can eat whatever you like & still lose weight IF YOU Follow these 5 steps…
1. Eat 1200-to-2000 calories per day
Men and people who are very active can start off eating closer to 2000 calories per day
2. Eat anything you want & still lose weight
Despite what you've heard… It's really not exactly true that eating bad foods like candy, snacks & fast foods makes you fat… It's the amount of calories you eat that determines whether you get fat, get slimmer or stay at the weight you're at

Naysayers: Dont believe me google the guy who lost weight with only eating Mcdonald's daily
source :http://www.today.com/health/man-loses-56-pounds-after-eating-only-mcdonalds-six-months-2D79329158

3. Eat whenever you want?
Basically it does not matter when or where you eat as long as you eat the right amount of calories to lose weight so…
Feel free to eat 5 small meals a day or eat 1-to-2 BIGGER meals per day.The only time it really matters WHEN you eat is if you're going to workout.

4. Drink at least 1 liter of water per day
5. Keep a food journal ( bunch of apps for this)
Jpez you are only partly right

if you eat low enough calors yes you must loose (starvation)

but the food you eat is important, eating high amounts of sugars and sweets leads to insulin resistance which not only leads to diabetes it also allows the body to store more energy as fat and makes it harder to loose fat when in a moderate deficit so you may loose a lot eating minimal calories of just sweets and junk but as soon as your calorie intake is returned to normal you will regain that lost fat + more due to the insulin resistance you now have.

IE. YoYo dieting
Yeahhh. I am also trying on this. My recipe is 200ml warm water with a half of lemon and 2 tbs honey. It tastes so good in the early morning. And you will feel so awesome to start a new day :)
Well firstly I would say that you're taking some really positive steps and would encourage you to keep going. I think the secret is moderation, keep an eye on your diet but don't be afraid to reward yourself occasionally also- that's important. Do you have any equipment at home? I got a finnlo elliptical trainer for my birthday from my husband last year, and its the best present I’ve ever had. It's kept me active on these cold winter nights when I'm too lazy to leave the house.
But as I say, the key word is "moderation", don’t do anything good or bad in excess. GOOD LUCK
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In addition to making changes to your diet, one of the things you need to introduce, njharro, when attempting to lose weight, is that of perspective. The weight you'd accumulated last winter, for example, wasn't gained overnight so it's not going to be lost overnight, either.

By the same token, unless your life and health depend upon it, don't attempt to make too many drastic changes too soon; simply introduce them gradually and everything will begin to fall into place along the way, largely through education.

The issue that many encounter, when beginning to lose weight, is that they expect instant results from their endeavour. When those results don’t immediately present themselves, they become dis-heartened, often slipping back into their previous habits. Again, this could also be attributed to a lack of perspective.

From your initial post, it would appear that you’d begun to make positive changes, by altering your diet and attending the gym, both of which will have begun to have a physiological effect upon the body, even if you’d not necessarily begun to observe the physical benefit of your efforts.

Depending upon how much excess weight you’d accumulated, it may take a little longer than you’d like before beginning to see the physical results. However, through consistently visiting the gym, the physiological changes/adaptations (which you can’t necessarily see) will begin to serve you in your quest, largely due to the increased uptake of glucose and fat into the muscle cells during exercise.

The higher and more vigorous the intensity of the exercise, the greater the uptake of stored glucose and fat, due to the different energy systems that are used. As such, since the body is beginning to utilise its reserves as fuel, the excess (stored around the muscles and stomach, for example) begins to be lost.

Regardless of its intensity, one of the most positive side effects that regular exercise can induce is increased insulin sensitivity. The increased sensitivity means that less is required to ‘unlock the door’ when glucose is attempting to replenish depleted muscle (hence the reason eating both protein and carbs immediately after exercise is recommended).

Following SSC (steady state cardio), insulin sensitivity can remain raised for up to 24 hours afterwards but starts to reduce, hence the need for regular exercise to continually raise insulin sensitivity, something that aids weight loss. However, the higher the intensity of exercise, the longer insulin sensitivity levels remain raised, due to the other physiological effects that higher intensity exercise has upon the body.

As for calorie consumption, research BMR calculators, since they’re largely effective in determining how many daily calories you should be consuming, based upon your level of activity. Having obtained your daily recommended amount (to maintain weight), you’ll be far better educated in determining how many calories you need to consume, in order to create a deficit, without going hungry.

With regard to achieving successful and sustained weight loss/maintenance, in addition to healthy food choices, success largely rests upon knowing the numbers (recommended calorie intake) at the outset, regularly adjusting those numbers (BMR re-calculation) as weight is lost.
Do you like to count calories or eat as much as you want?

Hi everyone, This winter i gained a ton of weight and i am just out of shape. Im hoping some of you guys could help me in learning how to get fit.

Im a 23 year old male looking to gain some muscle but mostly lose my stomach, and man breasts...

Im having trouble losing weight. Ive tryed cutting calories and going to the gym but its just not working out.

Recently ive been taking a protein drink for breakfast, chicken cutlet on a roll for lunch , and grilled chicken for dinner at night, and ive

been hitting the gym , jogging for 30 minutes and then lifting weights in every muscle group.

What kind of diet is the best for my situation, I cant stand vegetables or fruits other than bananas which makes it hard to eat healthy.

Im more of a eggsandwich and cheeseburger kind of guy and was wondering if anyone has had the same problem and what you started

eating to lose the weight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @njaharro

My wife and I lost 45 pounds in 3 months with no pills and no starving so my experience may be of use to you.

Tell me, do you like to count calories or eat as much as you want? (But restrict food groups)

What do you feel you could stick to?

Some good advice is:

1. Keep consumption of processed food minimal. Processed foods trick your body into wanting to eat more because it can't understand it very well (kind of like a foreign language) so you reach for more and more not because your not full but because it sends a trigger to the brain to consume more (you might be full and still feel the need to eat), and it can be very uncontrollable at times. So eat primarily whole foods. Potatoes are great for keeping you full and highly recommended.

Veggies are optional (if you don't like them, then seriously, don't eat them) and fruit is a good snack and the only kind of snack food I'd recommend eating in between meals.

2. Be a dick and don't eat what others are eating. Having a flat stomach is worth being a dick about not taking other people's food offerings if you know you shouldn't be eating them. You have a diet to stick to, so eating foods you know you shouldn't be isn't going to help you achieve your fat loss goals.

3. Don't obsess over calorie intake for the rest of your life. You may track your calories for a little while just to get a sense of what a certain amount calories eaten feels like as far as satiety goes. I suggest eyeballing what you cook around the stove. Don't use excessive amounts of cooking oil and keep your cast iron pan clean to prevent consumption of trans fats.

4. Have a cheat day that's no more than maintenance or 600 calories more than what you would normally eat if eating in a strong deficit. This will help boost Leptin and keep your metabolism from dropping low from being in a deficit throughout the week. Many people plateau because they diet for such long periods of time and don't ever give their body a chance know what eating at maintenance feels like. This can ultimately lead to overeating/binge eating.

5. Drop interval cardio, long runs, and circuit training. This is what makes people really hungry (and retain excess water). We all know what happens when we get way too hungry. Replace these styles of cardio with brisk walking for 40-60 minutes or maybe some steady state on the elliptical for 20 mins or so.

6. Weigh yourself once a week before having a cheat day. Don't weigh yourself every day because you will be hard on yourself when you see your weight might have gone up because of water weight fluctuations.

7. Keep your macros fairly consistent throughout the week. If you keep them consistent, you will see consistent progress day by day which will motivate you to keep at it.

8. Do some form of strength training 3x a week. No more than 3 sessions a week will help you get stronger at your lifts without over-training. Ideally the 4-6 rep range, 3 sets, 5 exercises. You can choose one or two exercises that you do 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps to add mass to lagging body parts.

The advice I just gave is based on common errors many people make when trying to lean down to low levels of body fat. If you follow these tips, you'll lean down no problem. Depending on where you're currently at, it could take you about a month to a few months. Most men's sticking point is around 13-15 percent body fat. Getting lower than that is tricky, but don't give up. Ever. Just follow these tips and they should help you stay on track with your goals. Good luck.
Find your BMR, consume that number every day in calories. Eat bananas, carrots, potatoes, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and only whole grains (whole barley, whole uncut oats, rye, millet, teff, amaranth, spelt, wheat). Eliminate all sources of refined sugar, fruit juice, and processed foods. If you eat meat, eat baked low fat meats (fish, chicken, turkey).
As for me, I started my weight loss journey first with staying away from sugared drinks first... coke, gatorade, 100plus, cocktails etc. I only take plain water & coffee/tea with no sugar. Then control food intake, I eat whatever I eat previously but in lower quantity (some healthy some not). Then I start exercising... running & weights. I start to see results in 2 weeks... and once I've seen results, I get really excited and increase my exercises intensity... but I remain the same on the food intake. Reason being is I don't want to change my diet because it can be unsustainable (I failed in my first weight loss attempt in 2014 because of unsustainable diet). Now on my 3rd month.. already lost 12 Kgs @ 73Kg.. and now entering my maintenance phase. I would still want to loose another 2-3 Kgs.. Anyway I don't mind the current weight as long as it's muscle weight.
I love hamburgers and anything with bacon and still eat them but Just not as much now. I eat a lot more veggies now and follow my 28 challenge! I love the fact that I'm losing weight but I want to make sure I keep it off!