looking for some supplement help?

ok here's my situation.i am 34 and have been working out for a 2 and half months.3 days a week.i have noticed little results.i have been eating protein bars regularlly for my protein.i tried this supplement called HUMAGRO.i am on my 3 week of it.do you have any ideas about it.also i would like to find some other supplements to help get me bigger.i looked at dynadrol and other anabolic stuff,but the anabolic scares me along with the prices.thanks for any advise i can get
protien bars are a crappy source of protein. at least 60% of your daily protein should be coming from whole foods: egg whites, cottage cheese, chicken breast, lean red met.

for the remaining 40%, try to get it from whole food, but any extra you need should come from a quality shake/powder, not a bar. Only a few bars out there are worth a damn, and they are 4x the price of a protein powder. All you need is a shaker cup and access to water to make a shake.

Never heard of HUMAGRO...just googled it, and it appears to be one of those rip-off, fake Human Growth Hormone supplements. Don't waste money on that kind of crap. There are relatively few supplements that actually work like the claims say. You can only get HGH from a doctor or black/grey market, at least in the U.S.

The only supps you need to bother with are: multi-vitamin, protein powder if you can't eat it all in whole foods, fish oil capsules (for Omega 3, 6 and 9), and creatine monohydrate.
Definitely don't bother with fancy creatines, L-glutamine, or anything that is a "Nitrogen/Nitrous Oxide/NO2/Hemo-dilator" because they don't give you any real gains, and shrink the pocket book. Also, no tribulus, and skip any 'pro-hormones' and 'pro-steroids' ...because the ones that actually worked have been banned.

If you have trouble sleeping soundly at night, you can take ZMA at bedtime, but avoid anything containing calcium the hour before & after you take ZMA as calcium blocks zinc absorption.
paulkid said:
ok here's my situation.i am 34 and have been working out for a 2 and half months.3 days a week.i have noticed little results.i have been eating protein bars regularlly for my protein.i tried this supplement called HUMAGRO.i am on my 3 week of it.do you have any ideas about it.also i would like to find some other supplements to help get me bigger.i looked at dynadrol and other anabolic stuff,but the anabolic scares me along with the prices.thanks for any advise i can get

malkore is right about protein bars.

What's your diet and training routine? That is most likely your problem. Supplments can help of course be there rarely the whole answer.
i work out 3 days a week, and run on a tred mill after working out for 15 min.my diet might be my problem.i try to eat as much protein as i can throughout the day then have a good dinner at night.i eat fish,chicken and deer mostly.no cow or pig.i also eat pasta 2 or 3 days a week.thanks
What are your training parameters? What equipment do you use? If your looking to gain muscle mass you shouldn't do cardio after a weight training session.
i use all different equipment.i work out at the ymc at 5:00 in the morning.the reason i started to do cardio is i have a liitle bit of a gut.i was trying to trim it down.i can only get to the y 3 days a week so i am trying to do all my workouts and cardio in those 3 days 50-70 min. a day.i am not sure what you by parameters.also i was taking joe wieder creatin capsuls.is there any differece beteween capsules, powder and liquid?should i be taking one over the other.i really apperciate all the help and advice
My suggestion on diet will remain simple for now: eat 5-6 times a day. EVERY meal should contain 20g or more of protein, such that you eat about 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight every day.

In your morning meals (say until 2pm) should have carbs along with the protein. Once late afternoon rolls around, you should limit all starchy carbs (pasta, bread, grains, rice, potatoes) and stick to protien, healthy fats, and your carbs should all be coming from veggies. A little fruit is ok.

I would buy creatine monohydrate powder. its cheaper than the pills, and easier to take since you need about 5g per serving, and those pills will be 1g each at most. 5 pills, vs. a heaping teaspoon mixed into a protein shake.
paulkid said:
i use all different equipment.i work out at the ymc at 5:00 in the morning.the reason i started to do cardio is i have a liitle bit of a gut.i was trying to trim it down.i can only get to the y 3 days a week so i am trying to do all my workouts and cardio in those 3 days 50-70 min. a day.i am not sure what you by parameters.also i was taking joe wieder creatin capsuls.is there any differece beteween capsules, powder and liquid?should i be taking one over the other.i really apperciate all the help and advice

malkore hit the diet pretty good.

Do you use free weights? If not you should. What rep scheme's are you using? IE 3sets of 8? aka 3x8, 4x6, 2x12's etc

How long have you done this routine? Exccercises? Full body or a split routine?
i am doing heavier weight 2 sets of 3-5 reps of free weights.i just changed my routine up this past week and i am doing a full body routine.can i do cardio before i weight train or is it no good to do cardio on the days i weight train.by problem is i am limited on when i can work out.i can only do it m-w-f,so i try to do as much as i can in those 3 days.