looking for some help to drop some lbs


New member
Hey my names Adam and I'm 25, I'm 5'10 and 203 lbs. Im trying to shed off some gut weight by the end of july. I excercise some but not as much as I should. My main problem is my diet. I don't overeat or anything, just a poor choice in foods when I do eat. I have never eaten healthy my whole life, never really cared. I weighed about 135 6 years ago. Most of my weight is in my gut. I still have prety skinny arms which just makes my gut look all that much bigger. Is there a way to trick my taste buds into liking healthy food. And what would be best excercises to push some lbs off and tone up a bit? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
Hi and welcome. Unfortunately there are no "tricks" here .. just the committment to eating healthy and getting your exercise.

The first thing I'd suggest is registering for a free account on FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal or Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate and starting to log your food. This will let you see how many calories you're eating and how your nutrition levels are breaking down. Once you know that, you'll be able to see more clearly where you can make adjustments, cut back, change your nutrition, etc.

The next thing I'd suggest is checking out the various sticky posts in the exercise area of the forum (Weight Loss Through Exercise - Weight Loss Forum). There are some very good posts on exercise, both cardio/aerobic and on incorporating weight lifting into your exercise plans.

I'd also suggest starting a diary in the weight loss diary area (Weight Loss Diary - Weight Loss Forum) as well as reading and participating in other diaries. This is a good way to make updates to your progress and to get support from others. It helps to find the diaries of people who have successfully lost weight (or are losing weight) and reading through them as well. Following the diaries of those who have been successful is both inspiring and informative.

Finally, I'd say you should read as much as you can of the posts on the board, especially anything that's marked "sticky". There is a ton of good information around here and a lot of times questions that new folks have has already been answered very thoroughly - so do take the time to look around and read. :)

Hope that helps you to get started.
There isn't any easy way to 'trick' yourself into liking the taste of healthy foods. But I can say that after time, you find that they do taste that much better. You can also appreciate some of your old favorites that much more when you don't eat them as often.
Calorie counting, at least for a couple days, could point out a few areas that need work. It's easy to not realize how many calories we are getting from soda or snack foods in a day.
Best of luck!

It is all about calories. There are no foods prohibited from losing weight. You CANNOT eat more calories per day than your body will use and expect to lose weight.

You need to manage the details of what and how much you eat in order to lose fat.