Hello I’m I’ve been looking around the forums for the past few weeks searching and reading all I can about abs. I have a few questions. Are there some people who no matter what will never have a flat stomach? Anyone have any ideas for lower stress lower abs workouts? I had hernia surgery 10 months ago and it gets annoyed when I do things like leg lifts. Here is a bit about why I ask if some people will never get a flat stomach, I’m 5’11” and weigh 134lbs that puts my bmi right at the bottom of normal. I also calculated my body fat to be at around 12% using this (anyone ever try this? Don’t know how accurate it is). I have what I would call a bit of a gut still. I can feel the muscle but the fat jut wont go away. If I keep losing weight to lose the belly I’m going to look way to thin, I already have to listen to my wife and family about how thin I am. After losing 90 lbs(it’s been over a 2 year period) is there any chance that what I have left is just skin? I have a few pics that I could post if it would help. Any input would be great. I don’t have a gym membership nor can I even come close to being able to afford one at this time. I do however have an incline bench and a 10lb plate that I do crunches with. Any input would be great. TIA.