Looking for others doing Medifast

Starting medifast

Hi shopgirl

I will be starting medifast Monday I would like to have a medifast buddy for help & encouragement.

I am more then happy to be your friend through this! I am glad that we will be so close in time frame. Monday will be my first weigh in and I am really excited.

If you don't mind my asking, how much are you wanting to lose? My doctor told me 75lbs, but the BMI charts say 80-100lbs.

My advice for the first three days is have plenty to keep your mind busy. (I gutted out my walk-in closet) Day three was my hungriest day and I had a slight headache thru out the day.

It all turns around so quickly after that. Am on day six and have to remind myself to eat all my little meals. NEVER thought I would have to remind myself to eat.

I wish you the best and look forward to compairing notes!
Great... I'm excited

I want to lose 40 lbs. I put on alot of weight after the birth of my last child. I tried to send you a private message but it said I had to be a member for five days. I would like to talk to you off this board. I start tomorrow so I'll take your advice & stay busy. I look forward to walking this journey with you.
Losing weight is all about math. Your body runs off a set amount of calories, call that X. For every 3,500 calories over X you consume you gain a pound. For every 3,500 calories you burn or cut out of your diet you lose a pound. First google resting metabolic rate, to find X. Then cut out or burn the calories needed for your desired weight loss.