Looking for comments and contributions


It is very inspiring to see how many people are involved in Forums such as this one, helping each other deal with any number of issues. Yet sadly an even larger portion of the population are either blissfully unaware of the health risks they are taking day in day out or feel unable to change. I would like to do my part in helping raise the level of awareness on all things Health and Fitness and have decided that apart from being involved in this and other Forums, I would like to develop a Blog on health and fitness.

I have always had a pretty good level of fitness so have not faced the challenges some of you have or are still working to overcome and I do not have any professional qualifications in the health or fitness fields. My knowledge comes from the passion I think we all develop once we become aware how important our health is and the cost to the individual and the community of not looking after our health.

With so many people on this site looking for help with health or fitness issues or with first hand experience or the professional knowledge to provide that help I am wondering if I could get you comments on any of the following.

What topics would you want to see in a blog on Health and Fitness?

Can you recommend some good sources of information on those topics?

Would you be interested in providing information or first hand comment/testimonial for inclusion in that blog?
What supplements do what would be a nice topic, body building for teens maybe, how to make a workout schedule, how to keep motivated, music and fitness.

You can find most info on these from just browsing this forum.
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