Looking for a new home gym

Finally the welds on my old home gym (Image 516V) have broke. I had it for 17 years so I feel I got my $ out of it. Anyway I have a question about buying new home gym. Buying online, good or bad? I have found a Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym online, no tax, free shipping, lifetime warranty on everything with no exceptions. With the leg press its around $1500. Seems like a good deal and has everything I need on it.

Here's the link

Opinions? Suggestions? BodyCraft good stuff?

The best home gym is on that consist of the following.

Bench,Squat rack,barbell,dumbbells, and of course the weights.

No machine can compete with that set up.
The best home gym is on that consist of the following.

Bench,Squat rack,barbell,dumbbells, and of course the weights.

No machine can compete with that set up.
Yeah I have all that too. There are some things you can only do with a home gym though + I can do a full workout in an hour. With the weight bench I waste time switching and setting up weights. I do however still and will always use my bench for the bench press, can't beat that.

Thanks for the reply

Yep. You can get a rack, weights and bench for about < $1000.

Free weights are without equal. They recruit stabilizers that go unused by the linear tracking of machines.
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Yep. You can get a rack, weights and bench for about < $1000.

Free weights are without equal.
Like I said already I have a weight bench, rack, weights, the works and use it regularly as I did in combination with my old home gym, I'm looking for a home gym. There are exercises that only can be done with a home gym such as a pec deck for exsample. I have use both together for years.

But my question is not whats a better workout but what is a good home gym?

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Yes, it is a good price and a highly rated piece of equipment. Also look at the BodySolid gyms. Same price range. Also online, no tax, free shipping and lifetime warranty. You won't go wrong with either one.
The pec dec is not a beneficial exercise, not nearly as much as a bench press, or fly or dip.
I do or use both. I use to use just the bench press but started using the pec deck as well and noticed some nice impovement in size and hugging strengh.
Hold your left hand on your chest muscle and push out your right as if to do a bench press. Now do the same only as if you using a pec deck moving your arm inward with you arm bent up like doing the fly on the pec deck. Feel the different muscle groups?

I believe that was answered, twice.
My mistake, whats a good workout or weight machine?
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I see you also posted on JSF.

I agree that the Bodysolid is a nicer piece of equipment, but that is just a personal preference. I didn't care for the Parabody . It has a cheaper feel and doesn't have the flexibility that the BodySolid or Bodycraft do. I know that Hoist is a great gym but again I don't think they have the flexibility. I didn't think the Powertec was one of the choices. That is a nice piece of equipment also but you have to change plates for each exercise and the exercises are more limited than on the BS and BC. If what you want is a machine to do numerous and varied excercises the BS (i like the G5) and the BC (I like the Express Pro) I think are the way to go.
Wow I really like that BC xpress pro. I like the bench press with the cables and pulleys. Those might compare to the old school bench press workout.

Thanks for the reply
I second the body-solid machines. I was looking at a home gym at sears, don't remember the brand off hand. It had all the attachments I needed and it felt OK. I stopped by a home fitness store by my folks house in Tulsa and they carried the body-solid machines. What an incredible difference. The body solids are very well built and have the smoothness of machines you find in a local gym. See if you can find a local dealer of the body-soliids and try one out for yourself. I think you would be very happy with it. Good luck and let us know what you decide. (Wow, I just looked at the bc express pro and it is an impressive machine!)
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