Looking for a Good Vert Program

I'm 17 years old and looking for a good vertical program. I found one on Testosterone Nation that seemed pretty good, but I don't want to settle on pretty much the first decent looking thing I've found.

What I'm looking to gain:

-Sprinting speed, aka run faster
-And of course, higher jumps. I want to be able to jump high.

I don't want to lose any of those three things in the process of getting another. I play Ultimate, which is a non-contact sport, so I don't need to "get buff" or anything like that. I want to jump higher, run faster, and cut harder without losing any of those qualities to gain another.

Also, I'm wondering if doing endurance stuff on my off days would hurt my progress. I run on the days I don't lift (I've only started last Monday, going Monday Wednesday Friday with the T-Nation program). I've been running 3 miles but I'm going to up that to 4 or maybe 5.

The key thing with Ultimate is that you want to be able to run really fast, jump really high, and make really quick cuts, but you also have to play a lot. So if I don't have endurance, I won't have the energy to do that.
I'm 17 years old and looking for a good vertical program. I found one on Testosterone Nation that seemed pretty good, but I don't want to settle on pretty much the first decent looking thing I've found.

What I'm looking to gain:

-Sprinting speed, aka run faster
-And of course, higher jumps. I want to be able to jump high.

I don't want to lose any of those three things in the process of getting another. I play Ultimate, which is a non-contact sport, so I don't need to "get buff" or anything like that. I want to jump higher, run faster, and cut harder without losing any of those qualities to gain another.

Also, I'm wondering if doing endurance stuff on my off days would hurt my progress. I run on the days I don't lift (I've only started last Monday, going Monday Wednesday Friday with the T-Nation program). I've been running 3 miles but I'm going to up that to 4 or maybe 5.

The key thing with Ultimate is that you want to be able to run really fast, jump really high, and make really quick cuts, but you also have to play a lot. So if I don't have endurance, I won't have the energy to do that.

those three things pretty much prosper on ability to do one or the other so you don't have to worry there but running long distance will hurt your agility.

itd be helpful if you could say what kind of routine your looking for ie
weight training etc..
i've been running track since forever. join the track team. that's the best advice i can give u. u dont even have to go the the meets if u dont want to just do their workouts. ask the coach to practice with the jumpers. that helps ur vert and sprinting. for agility work out with the hurdlers
I don't have any specific type of training I'd prefer to do, just looking for what's most effective. I've heard that plyometrics are the best way to get your speed and vert up.

There are some programs online, and I'm sure they have some validity, but I have to remain skeptical simply because they're online programs. Money isn't that big of an issue because I've had a part-time job at a movie store for almost two years now and I'm going to have a decent amount of scholarship money at the U.

I could afford to spend some money on either a personal trainer or a solid online vert program.

Of course, my preference would be that I don't have to.

Also, I can't do track because it's during Ultimate season. Probably should've mentioned that the season starts in early-to-mid March and I want to be in TOP physical condition by then. Like, 10 foot vertical jump and 1.00 400.
Also, I could easily see how running long distance would hurt my agility. That's definitely not something I want, but endurance is also really important. So should I just run a whole bunch of sprints over and over again?
If you want to get your vert up just start something like air alert (might her your knees) or the vertical jump bible they arent that expensive and they work. If you really want you can spring 300$ for the vertical project i've heard its great.
If you are looking for a vertical jump program check out Program 51