Weight-Loss Looking for a bottled green tea (diet) that is worth buying. Suggestions?



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Hi all,

Been doing alot of reading about the benefits of green tea. I'd like to start taking more advantage of it but brewing tea does not fit at all into my work and home schedule.

I have been buying Lipton's diet green tea with citrus but am wondering if there are better or more healthy options out there?

I'd like to buy something to throw into the fridge at work to have with an afternoon snack if possible.

Besides the lipton (which i just started drinking a few weeks ago), i pretty much just drink water all day with an occasional diet soda on some nights.

Are diet pre-bottled green teas even worth buying? Im not in love with the taste (but certainly dont mind it) and simply would like to buy a product that can deliver some of the benefits of green tea that i have been reading about. Does that product exist?
Yes, real green tea. I know you say you don't have the time to make your own..then you need to try and make time if you want to make this part of your diet. There is no green tea on the market that is actually as good. You control what goes into it. You get the full effect of the tea and you control sweeteners or the like.
Yes, real green tea. I know you say you don't have the time to make your own..then you need to try and make time if you want to make this part of your diet. There is no green tea on the market that is actually as good. You control what goes into it. You get the full effect of the tea and you control sweeteners or the like.

Thanks for the info... Wow, i would have thought with the amazing green tea hype of the last few years that someone would be selling something marketed towards "on-the-go" people.

I'd like to get this into my daily routine, but work & travel would not make brewing or transporting this easy at all.

I do have one more thing i want to look at... The "trendy" supermarket near me has bottled tea that they brew themselves. It is by no means cheap, but convenience seldom is. Ill take a look to see if they have essentialy "plain green tea"

Is green tea sugar/calorie free by default? (Im refering to actual tea & bags)
Premake the tea and store it. Not quite as strong but just fine.

Green Tea has calories. Very very few things have no calories but with nothing added then it's is pretty close to nill so don't worry about that. The calories come from sweeteners and the like.

The reason there is no pure green bottle teas on the market cause they have to add things to keep it from going bad like anything mass marketed.
If you live near an asian supermarket look for this stuff, I used to drink it all the time in Japan they sell it in the convenience stores there like how the US sells cokes/sprites

I've also seen them sell something like this at Target from the same maker (Ito-en)

They usually have really large sized containers of them too at some places. They are unsweetened and 0 calories (ingredients: purified water, green tea, ascorbic acid)..the bottle I'm looking at right now is 260% of your DV of Vitamin C and 40mg sodium (2% dv)..bam. good stuff..it may take you a bit to get used to the taste of it though. a love of eating grass as a child will help.
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I was always under the impression that the reason Green Tea worked was as it is high in caffiene. Is there something I am missing here as I wasn't aware anything else in it- pls can someone explain?
Green tea depending on how much you steep it isn't usually as high in caffeine as coffee or coke. From what I've heard (warning: major anecdotal evidence ahead) both the caffeine and something in the tea helps pull fat cells out of where they are stored. Note that it only pulls them out, it does not oxidize or burn them, thus just sitting down and drinking tea will not do much as the fat cells will eventually go back home. Once they are pulled out of their stores, you need exercise to burn them. This is also why for some forms of fasted cardio people drink coffee or take caffeine pills beforehand.
Caffeine alone though does provide a small boost to metabolism thus burning some calories regardless (which is very easily negated by adding cream to your coffee or drinking non diet soda)
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I was always under the impression that the reason Green Tea worked was as it is high in caffiene. Is there something I am missing here as I wasn't aware anything else in it- pls can someone explain?

Summer, do a quick google on it. Some stuides show the antioxidants in green tea can help burn a additional 100 cals per day.

Regardless of what studies people agree and disagree with, green tea (to me) seems like one of those "no brainers" where it isnt going to hurt to try it out.
Green tea depending on how much you steep it isn't usually as high in caffeine as coffee or coke. From what I've heard (warning: major anecdotal evidence ahead) both the caffeine and something in the tea helps pull fat cells out of where they are stored. Note that it only pulls them out, it does not oxidize or burn them, thus just sitting down and drinking tea will not do much as the fat cells will eventually go back home. Once they are pulled out of their stores, you need exercise to burn them. This is also why for some forms of fasted cardio people drink coffee or take caffeine pills beforehand.
Caffeine alone though does provide a small boost to metabolism thus burning some calories regardless (which is very easily negated by adding cream to your coffee or drinking non diet soda)

Oh, no doubt. I'd like to add the tea to my current exercise routine and diet. Maybe it will help, maybe it wont. I dont think it can hurt!

Also, i took the suggestions from above and bought a electric kettle for my office. This morning was the first time i switched out the coffee with green tea and some honey. I brewed enough for 2 glasses and threw one in the fridge for my 3pm snack when i normally drink a lipton diet bottled tea.
See I drink green tea every day. I drink it as afew months ago on advice of several people over the years, I cut out dairy. It had posative effects so I didn't put it back in. I hate coffee, black tea is nasty (I used to have tea with milk) could not stand any of the milk substitutes so I chose green tea.

I had heard bits and peices about green tea being the holy grail, but so are tomatos, strawberrys, blueberrys and apparently chocolate can save your life. It would appear that just as everything can give you cancer, everything else can save you from it. Hence me not looking further then as to answer the questin: can I drink this instead of white tea in the morning.

I read a while back you need about 6-8 cups a day! This would surely have a high caffiene effect on your system and with my current insomnia is probably not such a good idea. I read about antioxidants but again am wary, so many foods have antioxidants in them that I begin to just see this as a marketing ploy- it doesn't seem to be anything anyone has proven- what I mean is no one has stepped forward to claim their long life or cancer remission was due to green tea, berries or any other antioxidant.

As far as weight loss goes, I know people have said it helps with this- but if someone is eating less as they are drinking more green tea (so filling their belly with water and not food) I can see why this could happen. Also if someone is high on caffiene and moving at a million miles an hour, I can see why this would help with weight loss. But I can also see this having negative effects on anxiety and stress levels, increasing the likihood of depression and affecting the gut. I also worry about becomming dependant on caffiene as I know how easy it is to do so.

Not trying to convince anyone of anything either way, this is just my understanding of it, just wondered and asked to see if anyone had any real life stories of it being as mind blowingly fantastic as it would seem to be! I don't think I would try myself (unless it removes inches of body fat within days...) as I have so many physiological issues which are not helped by caffiene and its difficult enough as it is with my semi-dependance on taking caffiene based pills before a work out (there are days I just don't feel like I have the energy so I take the pills so I can work out better).(Yet to lose weight though!)
If there is an Asian market near where you live you can find bottled green tea without sugar or added flavor. They also have tea bags that you drop in a pitcher to make green and oolong tea in the fridge and is done in an hour. I don't think it makes a big difference in weightloss but if you just like drinking it you should check it out. I imagine there are online Asian markets that will deliver too if you do a google search or something.