Looking at a supplement, your thoughts

The stuff is called Xtreme Ten-XXL

I've seen a couple guys use it, but I don't know if its the "good stuff", and I don't really want to get too pricey.

Any thoughts?
You do understand that this product is marketed as a 'legal steroid' yes?

technically its several pro-hormones. the problem is the FDA banned pro-hormones that actually worked. logic then dictates that if this is legally for sale, it likely contains UNPROVEN pro-hormones, or proven to NOT WORK.

you don't want this crap man. eat meat, lift hard, sleep well, and if you "need" a supplement look at EFA's, creatine, and a good multivitamin.
Ok, I was actually looking for a creatine, but a friend told me to check out this stuff.

What kind of creatine is going to work best?
I found this Creatine-Ethyl-Ester, it looks pretty good, and decently cheap. What else should I mix with it? I've heard about Glutamines ect. being mixed with creatine, but i don't know how that works.

Here's the website I found it, and If you know any place to get it cheaper, that would help too.
CEE is a WASTE of your time and money. Creatine monohydrate has shown to be superior in every way! ()

Kre-Alkalyn also a better choice, although the studies for it are in the "grey area". However, I've used it personally and I believe it's top-notch.
CEE = tastes like complete... finish with your choice.

Stay away from prohormones. Creatine is a good place to start if you must take a supplement.
From what I've read here and some minor research.

Creatine monohydrate works best. Some research suggests that CEE is worthless but it works for me so I am sticking with it. The Hoss is right, CEE does taste like sewer water though. As for glutamine people on this forum says that it does NOT work. Waste of money.

What I suggest for starter is get some Creatine Monohydrate and take 3/4 scope before workout and 1/4 post workout. Also go get WHEY protein and take it as soon as you can when you finish you workout, no later than 30 minutes after you are done. That 2 supplements + multivatmin is all that you really need.

List of supplement importance to me:
1) Whey
2) Multi-vatmin
3) Creatine or CEE