Look in the mirror!

Guess Who

This whole forum is one of the biggest shams I have ever come across, and I feel bad for the people who are truly looking for help but are sucked in by crap!

I think everyone should take a long look in the mirror, and even do an inventory of yourself and what your goals are and then move on! Go somewhere that you can get some good credible advice.

I have been reading through almost all the threads and stickies and it is just ridiculous.

I am almost sure that Steve (whom everyone seems to think he knows his shit) MUST be autistic and can't get certain things through his head. It truly is the only explanation of his dumb posts. Seriously I urge you to really go through Steve's post and see how much of a dick he is when people say things he doesn't like. For instance "I really don't care what people "feel" like!"

And hello!!!! Creatine, for RECOVERY not for size???? REALLY?????? and you are a personal trainer?

Um Laws of Thermodynamics??? Do you even know the laws?? Did you know there are four and not a single one of them have ANYTHING to do with the body???? It's not a theory dumbass it pertains to one thing. It deals with mechanical work. God! I hope you quit using that useless line and lead people in the right direction. I think you have said "binded by the laws of thermodynamics" in every post! Binded is not even a word.

I can't even believe you say this, and that some people don't take the time to think about what you said:

"Bro-science, meaning all the bodybuilders who don't truly understand physiology or biomechanics believe you have to 'blast the muscle from all angles bro" but that's far from true." - REALLY? And that's why the people on this forum can't lose 4lbs on the scale but yet this "broscience bodybuilder" can cut away double digit fat percentages and have learned to completely manipulate their bodies to produce close to perfect muscle mass and symmetry! But what they say is wrong to a yankee PT who trains strictly for mountaineering and hardly for physique!

If you interested in truly getting healthy and losing weight in a safe way without all the hype and complex shit then head over to some forums where people who have been there and blasted though the processes and are interested in helping more than listening to themselves.


See you all on here next year with the same old problem that you has you here today!
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You know, even if I did want to get into bodybuilder shape, I wouldn't listen to you after this childish, juvenile rant.

You just showed the type of person you really are.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I deleted the links..you two saw them, right? lol, they were not permitted links, lol Do I have a witness??? lol

Anyways, does this mean this 'expert' is gone for good then? thank God!
Yea, she's done enough in the past week to get herself banned. I refuse to pull the trigger myself... I thoroughly enjoy watching this train wreck.
Yea, she's done enough in the past week to get herself banned. I refuse to pull the trigger myself... I thoroughly enjoy watching this train wreck.

Let me have the honors, lol, I'm already on the forums shit list, lol!

lol@ KC, thanks!!
Big edit:

I had typed up a bunch of BS and realized I was stooping. And that's the problem when someone comes along and takes the avenue you have. You know the one... where you're spouting off uncontrollably with a bunch of emotional intensity in what appears to be a lame attempt to distract the readers from the facts.

What you seem to be missing is, I'm not the one that needs to prove himself here. I'm not under scrutiny. Like it or not, I've been here a long time. More importantly, I've helped a lot of people reach their goals or find a better path toward the goals they aspire to reach. I'm sure in your week or so here you've developed preconceptions based on what little you've read and you're projecting all over the place because of this.

What's worse is the fact that you're leaving everyone scratching their heads wondering what it is you're talking about. You post a lot accusations - it's nothing more than that. There's no substance at all. In doing so, you prove once again how little you know regarding the relative subjects.

Last I checked, simply bringing up things I've discussed elsewhere on the forum and making fun of them without actually refuting them with any substance probably isn't going to get you anywhere. That's assuming you're actually trying to earn some respect. Or better yet, assuming you're trying to help the members here learn something.

That's left to be seen though.
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Ya know, thats the type of rant I expect to hear when an 8yo finds out theres no santa claus...

I mean, I don't get it... she came to this forum just to give advice and help (supposedly), so if her advice is rejected, whats it matter to her? What type of person needs to seek out and find validation and praise on the internet to fulfill themselves? What makes her think we are all just lost souls needing saving?
Darn....I wondered if we could ban her before, but decided not to even ask because I thought it was just me she was winding up....and now I'm too late. *pouts*

MAR - I think she wanted her ego stroked, and wasn't willing to accept that some people disagreed with her. Personally (actually, very personally) I looked at her pictures and found them rather....uhm...how to put it kindly - off-putting. To each their own, but female body-builders just do jack all for me. Always provided that those pictures actually did show her, which I doubt. But that's just me.

Wouldn't be surprised if she came back under a different name to stir things up again though....some people just can't help themselves! Maybe we should hook her up with Educator?! :reddevil:

And Korrie, I would have considered that Acai Berry link spam, and would have deleted it. You just beat me to it. *lol*
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What I loved were the personal "attacks" - you haven't lost weight in a year. Uh yeah, what part of "I decided to take some time off" don't you get?

Obviously someone who has some serious control issues, IMO. But it was fun to watch the wreck while it happened. :D (I'm evil like that, tho.)
If its not an ego stroking thing, then my guess is, somewhere along the line she paid for a trainer or a nutritionist, or a college degree, or something that told her "this is how it has to be done", and is now refusing to believe that everything she thinks she know isn't necessarily right (or at least, not right nor everyone). She doesn't want to feel like her money and sacrifices were a waste or not necessary.
My final thoughts on the subject, since I'm sure she'll come back to read this thread...

I truly only care about the integrity of information. I understand the importance of cheering others on and I've done that in the past. Not near the extent others around here do. Frankly, I believe there's enough people around here doing that and this community is better served if I stick with the factual side of things.

We all play a role.

There's one clear distinction between Guess_Poo and myself. I'm not afraid of being wrong. I actually welcome the opportunity... b/c it's just that. An opportunity. When you're wrong, you either take it personally or you buck up and learn something.

When you take it personally and resort to name-calling and emotional antics... it's a pretty clear indicator you've got no stable ground to stand on with regards to your knowledge.

When you take the latter route, and actually make an attempt to unbiasedly look at the data on both sides of the fence and potentially learn something... you're a quality member/professional/whatever in my book.

There's a method to my madness, believe it or not. Some think I'm just a big meanie head who goes around bashing people. To those, all I can say is, "The proof is in the pudding." Search my posts and the vast majority of them will be helpful in nature.

If when I call out someone's information all they can do is cry and make lame attempts at defaming me, my profession or my character... it's a tell tale sign the individual has no clue what they're talking about. It's a filter, in a way.

What's sad is the fact she left this forum feeling good about herself and her actions. She's completely blinded by her ego and self-righteousness.

What's more is the fact that she makes it out to be I'm trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I'm a professional first and foremost. I put my information out there on a PUBLIC forum read by tens of thousands of people. Some of those people are simply looking for information. Others are fellow professionals. Some are potential clients for me.

The point is, my information isn't hidden. It's up for anyone and everyone to scrutinize. All I ask is that when I'm wrong (which we all are at times), help me and the community by telling me why I'm wrong. Simply cherrypicking my posts and saying they're wrong without providing any information as to why they're wrong while attacking my character doesn't do anyone any good.

If she is to return, I hope she rethinks her approach first. If she does, I'd love to hash out what exactly she disagrees with. Disagreement is welcomed when it's backed by facts.
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@ Steve,
I think it's funny how she is making it seem like you're a "dictator" who is just out to make sure everyone thinks you're a god and that you get off on handing out misinformation..I read almost all of your posts, and I can't count how many times you've reminded people not to take your word as the "gospel" and to do their own fact finding and not just follow you blindly. That alone is enough to prove that you aren't the person that she described in her original post. And even when someone is being a person of questionable morality, you are always polite with them, (i suspect that burns them more than if you were mean) and you always welcome new information. (which they don't usually have) Thankyou for being here, I can't imagine the kinds of spew we'd all be subject to if you weren't here to refute the BS.
I appreciate you saying this. Thanks very much.

Truth be told, I'm no saint. I've gone off the rocker on this forum a few times and acted in ways I regret. Even when doing so though, I still give substance and backing to my refutation. And I never treat people disrespectfully "just because."

I've toned down my harshness quite a bit over the past yea for numerous reasons.

And frankly, I've "moved over" quite a bit. I don't post here near as much as I used to. Why? There are a lot more members here who have a good base of knowledge. The level/quality of information on this forum has grown exponentially over the years as we've picked up better and better members.
Darn....I wondered if we could ban her before, but decided not to even ask because I thought it was just me she was winding up....and now I'm too late. *pouts*......
And Korrie, I would have considered that Acai Berry link spam, and would have deleted it. You just beat me to it. *lol*

Thanks San for the support...I think the tone of that threads changed, I doubt he/she will continue to TRY to give me grief?? anyways, Guess Who has not been banned yet...never know, you might still get your chance, lol

...Truth be told, I'm no saint. I've gone off the rocker on this forum a few times and acted in ways I regret...

Hey man, we've all been there...its called being human!
Hmm, what's this?

:reads OP's post:

:spits out grape Koo-Aid:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, the OP's opinion is so ridiculous that I want to wad it up into a ball and have sex with it.