Lolli's Beach Life Diary


New member
Today I started The South Beach Diet. So far so good. I have the book,so
I should have few problems,if any. I've started at phase 1. They say this phase is strict,but dang,I can't eat all the food I'm allowed. You sure won't
go hungry on SB,that's for sure. I do have trouble with the veggie juice...its
yukky. I'll have probs with the dairy,cuz I'm lactose intolerant,but I have
lactaide tabs to help with that. I'll work it all out. Its no biggy.
Lolli :cool:
Welcome! and good luck with the south beach diet!
Welcome and good luck to you :) looking forwards to reading about your progress!(can you replace the milk with soy milk?)
Day 5 on The Beach

Still losing a pound a day. Still enjoying the diet. Learned today,I can have
veggies instead of the veggie juice. Had steamed broccoli this morning with my bacon and eggs. Really enjoyed it. For diner I'll be eating at Burger King.
I'll have the Double Whopper,and discard the buns,and have NO cheese,just the burger patties,and a diet soda. Lunch is going to be grilled turkey mignon
and steamed veggies. I'll most likely have jello for my 2 snacks. I'm lovin' it.