Sport Local grocery store no longer treats milk with BHT and something else... is it safe?

Sport Fitness
they posted a sign in front of the milk that said their brand of milk is no longer treated with BHT (I THINK IT WAS BHT) and B something else... another 3 letter abbreviation or whatever it is.

They say there has been no significant changes noted.....

What the heck does it even mean? And what do you think of it?
Are you sure it wasn't "this milk comes from cows not treated with bovine growth hormone (BGH or rBGH)"?

The Wikipedia article here Bovine somatotropin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia describes the controversy and has a rather large number of references in its footnotes for your reading pleasure.
I only buy milk without added hormones. Yes the milk still has the same amount of nutritional value, that's not the problem. The problem is I know of 6 year old girls growing pubic hair - and multiple doctors are attributing it to the added hormones in food products.

I wish I had the luxury of buying everything without added hormones, but I do whatever I can to at least reduce them.

Notice it said it wasn't allowed in several other industrialized nations - there's a reason for that.
That milk should be safer for everyone to drink. The chain grocery store I usually go to has done the same thing. Until then, I was paying more for organic milk to avoid milk with added hormones.
looks like it..