LMFAO! Great Squat Technique

ah the importance of having a spotter...
or not filming yourself in that setting, either or would be appropriate advice, haha.
i will be the last person to ever make fun of anyone for a squat :) took me close to a year to do one.. and still can't get past 40lbs weight wise:)

But I have the sense to never film myself doing anything - or post it on youtube :)
Now that was funny!!Lucky he didn't have those weight locks on the end of the bar lol.Now here is an exersice that someone reccomended as part of my routine lol and I tried it without reading the lottle note to the side (BOTH FEET ON THE FLOOR) and I tipped over but I wasn't stupid enough to tape it lol.
One of the guys in the office was acting all concerned when i bought my weight bench... and the barbell -b ecause he insisted you needed a spotter -but his solo advice to me was to make sure there were no clips on the end of the bar so that if I did 'get in trouble" I could do what the guy in the video did and baasically slide the weight off the bar...