Sport liver

Sport Fitness
Does anyone eat liver? A trainer in my gym swears by it. I know old timers used to have it all the time. I like it, its cheap, i've avoided it cause i thought it was bad, is it bad for you?
Depends how much you eat. I think you could get a vitamin A overdose if you eat it over a long period of time, since it has a lot of vit A in it. Other than that, I don't really know much about liver.
If you have a history of gout in your family you'll want to limit your organ meat consumption. other than that pile on the onions its good stuff
I know it is very high in a bunch of vitamins, it also has a descent protein to fat ratio. But are there toxins in it?
Also be aware that liver is quite high in cholesterol which can be potentially problematic if over consumed.

Only for some individuals who are hyperresponders to cholesterol. Most people will downregulate their own cholesterol synthesis when they eat more cholesterol.
I love chicken livers fried in tons of butter with garlic and salt. I eat those about once a month. They're soooooo delicious.

I don't mind beef liver, but I'll only get it if it's organic beef. I don't particularly want the toxins ...