Little scared to medication!


New member
I just started taking Lexapro last week and it is already helping a little bit. But it seems like I am more stressed in the morning and start feeling better in the afternoon. Is this how it starts working in some people? I have some Xanax too and sometimes take a half when I feel like I need. I'm hoping there are some people who DON'T have a really bad experience getting off of it. Is there anyone who did not have a lot of problems? I had a bad experience with Zoloft so I was scared to start another drug. Any advice?
Please help!
have you talked to your doctor who prescribed it abouot what you're experiencing?
Hey Corey...

I take Prozac which is similar to Lexapro in some ways.. let me help you out a bit. Lexapro, just like Prozac is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) type of drug. One of the features of SSRI drugs is that you don't feel the effects immediately after taking the medicine. It has to buildup, this usually takes 4-6 weeks, so you will start feeling its full effects between 4-6 weeks. I doubt that if you have been taking it for so little time you are feeling any real effects, they're probably Placebo (Psychological) effects.

The fact that you don't feel the effects immediately and you have to build up the drug in your body so you can benefit from it reduces the potential for abuse to almost 0%.. so it's a great feature.

Let me tell you that Prozac has changed my life, I would suggest that you be patient and talk to you doctor if you have any doubts. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be glad to help you out.