little help please

ok so im 15 and have no way to access weights. i have a pullup bar, but thats it. so basically all i can do is pullups, chin ups, push ups, sit ups, leg lifts, and anything else that i can do with just my body. would doing a cycle type workout where i do one set of push ups, then one set of sit ups, etc. for like 5 cycles be ok? if so, how long should i rest between each excercise, and can i do that everyday? also, would it be best to do my cardio (running) at a different time of the day, or right before, or after my workout?
Circuits will build your conditioning very fast and there are many exercises you can do without weights. Dont forget about bodyweight squats for legs and superman variations for the lower back.

If you can afford it i would suggest you purchase this book for ideas on how to set up a bodyweight program.

Also check out this site, it should be very helpfull.
would a circuit be an ok choice if im just trying to tone up, or would something else be better? also, when is the best time to do my cardio? thanks in advance.
i was looking at the deck of cards thing on rosstraining, and i was wondering if i could do that everyday and make if different each day (ex. one day do pullups, and pushups, and another day do situps and burpees)? that way i wouldn't plateau? thanks again.
There are many ways to do it and that would work, but i would stick to fullbody training 3 days per week and then do cardio 2 or 3 times per week.

Deck of cards can be done with 4 exercises, one for each suit. this way its a fullbody routine.
clubs- chin ups (make a max number if you cant do enough of them, for example all cards over 8 are 8 reps)
spades- burpees
diamonds- push ups
hearts- chinnies or sit ups

Beware its a sick workout that will take a lot out of you so you might want to take a rest day after doing it and go with a straight set workout next time.
No you need rest so your body can recover and build muscle. If you do too much you will burn out. Besides if you do the deck of cards workout you will be exhausted and that will be enough for the day.

In one of the links i posted you will find a thread containing workout logs. A lot of those guys use mostly bodyweight stuff. Check a few of them out to get an idea of what they do.

For example you could do bodyweight exercises on mon, wed and fri, take thursdays and sundays off fro rest and do cardio (running, biking, walking, burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers etc) on tuesdays, saturdays and one other day if you want (monday or friday).

In the end its up to. I would suggest you think about picking up the book i mentioned.
yeah im trying to get my eating schedule down. i used to think "the less i eat, the better", but now i realize i need to eat. i actually have the nutrition 101 thread printed out and i stuck it in my health log so i can refer to it whenever. since i can't afford protein powder, would it be good to eat eggs after my workouts?

also, since im just trying to tone up, should i be eating more or less calories than i burn?
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