Little Brother kicked off track team today.

I'm on the track team as well. My coach was straight up "Ryan, your under a 2.0 your off the team, go home".

Just like that.

I don't feel too sorry for my bro because I told him to do his homework everyday and this was gonna happen if he didn't. Even though my brother was actually the worst player on the team (17 second 100 meter dash for example) he was making tons of improvement and he looked like he lost a good 5-10% bodyfat.

Also a little ticked off cuz I paid $60 for his shoes.

But I guess this is a hard lesson learned. I had a 3.7 ballin.
Its a good lesson to learn early though. All fun and no work = out on yer ass.

Not that sprinting isn't 'work'...but far more people get paid to use their brains at work than their brawn/speed.

Must balance your life out...need brawn and brains and cardio and responsibility and fun and...well you get the point.