Sport Little bites

Sport Fitness


quick question...

I eat pretty darn clean all the time. I cheat once a week but sometimes after my cheat my body is still in the cheat mode and I do things like a bite here and there of something I shouldn't.
Take today. Totally clean eating but a bite of fat free pudding, a sip of a smoothie (not protein based), bite of a frozen burrito.

its kinda buggin me and I wanted to ask. How much do you think this affects me? I don't normally count it into my cals but I'm often not up to my cals anyway. would the occassional bite here or there (say 2 or 3 different non clean foods) hinder me from my goals too much?

I know this is a paranoia type question. I just remember with atkins and when people wanted to get into ketosis like a bite of anything off plan would RUIN them! is it like that?
Hey sparrow,

I do the same thing but I limit it to one bite a day. It's not like I plan on it and go "Today I get to have a bite of something unhealthy" but if the opportunity arrises or if someone asks me to try something I will have a bite of something bad, but no more. Not one bite of anything else either. I don't really know if it's damaging or not, so ah...guess I'm not much help :( Just wanted to let you know there are others like you :D

A bite of something on occasion is not gonna hurt your progress. Enjoy the bite. LIke you say, it is here and there. No harm done !!!!
I don't think a bite here and there will hurt either. The only time it could be a factor is if you are getting ready for a performance or contest or if you are desperately trying to lose the last 5 pounds. Then a clean diet is your best friend.