Limited equipment...any suggestions?

I'm a 19 year old male, I still need to check my height, it's been years since I last checked, I weigh roughly 13 stones. I have 4 5KG cast iron weights with a pair of dumbbell bars and a bench, plus 2 6.5KG vinyl coated weights. Recently I've gotten back into working out, my main aim is to lose fat and gain muscle, I have enough spare time on my hands. I need someone to help me, I need to know a good workout diet plan and a good workout plan with the equipment that I have. Any help would be appreciated, I must avoid having eggs due to allergies, I know it's the best source of protein but it's a no go for me. With me starting weight training I just don't know where to start.

I will appreciate any help.

FIRST of all you can not BURN FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE at the same time, it is got to be one or the other.YOU can retain the muscle that you have and maybe gain a very little,depending on your diet and how you lift.HOW much BF do you have? IF YOU do not know check it and take it from there, then decide what you want to do.
I'm not too concerned about the body fat, it's not a lot anyway, any help with gaining muscle? All I really need is a workout dier plan and a workout routine with equipment that I have.

Thanks for the reply.
OK! if your BF is where it should be then you can start a program to gain LBM. I am not a trainer but i think they would tell you; since you are just starting, to begin with a FULL BODY WORKOUT 3 days a week. AND probably 1 set per body part.THEN of coarse your nutrition is a must it,s 80% of any lifting program. I would say 6 meals a day of HEALTHY protien and carbs.IT sounds to me the equipment you have should be good for now,but you might want to think about getting a membership at a gym if you can. KEEP in mind a trainer could be very usefull for you. GOOD NUTRITION==GOOD RESULTS!
Related Muscles

Gaining muscle is the easiest way to burn body fat because it boosts the metabolism. Therefore, weight training is the best thing you can do for your body. When I lift, I break my muscles into groups. Muscles are usually broken up into synergy groups. For example, the triceps assist in moving the pecs (chest) so those are good muscle groups to put together. Biceps and back can be put together. Shoulders are often put with back exercises. Leg days are usually separate (work quads, hamstrings, and calves). If I were you, an example workout would be this: Monday, chest then triceps, Tues, back and then biceps, Wednesday, Cardio day. Then pick a day to do shoulders, then a day to legs. I would make one day a cardio day. Of course after a couple of weeks you may want to switch up the routine.
I hope this helps!
FIRST of all you can not BURN FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE at the same time, it is got to be one or the other.

Says who?

If you can only do one or the other then you need to try harder as there are many examples of people out there that do both at the same time
I have 4 5KG cast iron weights with a pair of dumbbell bars and a bench, plus 2 6.5KG vinyl coated weights.

I'd suggest that the weights you have are just too light to be that effective but you can make some use of them. for a start, there's not enough weight there to make bench pressing worth while but if you were to do press ups and stick the plates on your back instead to offer increased resistance then you'll get good results from them.

For an overhead pull, if you don't have any kind of bar at home to do pull ups on, go to a local park and use the kids play equipement in the evening when all the little darlings are in bed.

For an OH press, you could try handstand pressups against a wall or buy some big bags of sand from a local hardwear store. About $5 of sand will give you a lot more weight than you have in those plates. You can use the bags for pulls as well.

You might be able to get away with using your DB's on the bench for flys to hit your chest a little more as well as some side rasies for your delts.

You don't have much weight to hit your legs with so maybe go for single leg work like lunges. You can use the larger plates you have at first, one in each hand to lunge. You could also use the BB to do OH squats, you'll use far less weight on OH squats anyway so the lack of weight shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Those are just a few ideas but try and improvise. Don't get stuck with the idea that weights have to come in plate form; I have a beer keg at home that's far more versatile than any bar. Look for anything that offers resistance and try to lift it in a way that challenges you
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I do not know if it is a fact that you can,t do both; excuse me if it sounded that way.BUT in order to gain MUSCLE you must increase your calorie intake,unless i am wrong; and decrease to lose BF. I feel it all starts with NUTRITION.
I do not know if it is a fact that you can,t do both; excuse me if it sounded that way.BUT in order to gain MUSCLE you must increase your calorie intake,unless i am wrong; and decrease to lose BF. I feel it all starts with NUTRITION.

I think it's your use of capitalization on random words in sentences; it makes it read like you're trying to emphatically make a statement of fact all the time.
Great response, I always knew it was possible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, Ijust couldn't be bothered debating. I have taken some of my spare time to build a workout plan with a list of excercises to do each working day, obviously as time goes by I WILL be getting more heavier weights. I'll post my workout plan shortly so you can all feel free to criticise and tell me where it's wrong and where I need to improve.

Thanks for the info, really appreciate the response I'm getting.
I rest my case! I capitalize because i do believe in what i am saying. BUT if there is a way to burn fat and gain LBM; i wish someone would post it. AND also yes i do try VERY HARD at everything i do,especially LIFTING AND NUTRITION!===========LIFT WITH INTENSITY------ AND EXPECT RESULTS.
Did you want to have a great diet plan? weight loss?

Hey there!
Just want to say hello from camrenu. Is it a weight loss? the reason i ask is we have the world's best supplement, you would have certainly known about, nutrilite? some extremely great diet/weight loss & maintenance phase plans are out there, currently helping lot of folks in it.... did you want some help knowing more? lemme know. i wld be more than happy!!!


I'm a 19 year old male, I still need to check my height, it's been years since I last checked, I weigh roughly 13 stones. I have 4 5KG cast iron weights with a pair of dumbbell bars and a bench, plus 2 6.5KG vinyl coated weights. Recently I've gotten back into working out, my main aim is to lose fat and gain muscle, I have enough spare time on my hands. I need someone to help me, I need to know a good workout diet plan and a good workout plan with the equipment that I have. Any help would be appreciated, I must avoid having eggs due to allergies, I know it's the best source of protein but it's a no go for me. With me starting weight training I just don't know where to start.

I will appreciate any help.

Workout Plan

Monday: Chest & Biceps & Forearms
Tuesday: Back & Shoulders
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Triceps & Biceps
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Cardio

Different Workouts
Bicep: Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curls (Sitting on bench to support back)
Alternating Dumbbell Curls (Standing with dumbbells in each hand)
Concentration Curls (Sitting with one hand on thigh focusing on each arm individually)

Triceps: Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (Laying on bench)
Close Grip Dumbbell Press (Laying on bench)
Push Ups (Until muscle failure)

Forearms: Reverse Dumbbell Curls (Standing with dumbbell in each hand simultaneously)

Chest: Dumbbell Bench Press (Lying on bench with dumbbell in each hand)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (Lying on bench tilted forward)
Dumbbell Flys (Lying on bench)

Back: Bent Over Two-Arm Dumbbell Rows (With dumbbell in each hand)
Twisting Dumbbell Row (With one hand and knee on bench)
One Arm Dumbbell Row (With one hand and knee on bench)

Shoulders: Arnold Dumbbell Press (Sitting upright on bench pushing dumbbells full stretch)
Front Dumbbell Raise (Alternate between each arm extending full reach)
Dumbbell Upright Row (Simultaneously bend elbows all the way)

Legs: Dumbbell Lunges (Standing with a dumbbell in each hand)
Dumbbell Deadlifts (Dumbbell in each hand and bend knees with back straight)
Dumbbell Squats (Similar to Deadlifts but thighs should be parallel to the floor)

Before workout I would eat proteins and carbohydrates to make sure I have enough energy to complete the workout, the first set would be done with light weight to get the blood flowing to the muscle and between each set I would be resting for 1 minute.
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Nutrition with Nutrilite - way to go!!

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I do not know if it is a fact that you can,t do both; excuse me if it sounded that way.BUT in order to gain MUSCLE you must increase your calorie intake,unless i am wrong; and decrease to lose BF. I feel it all starts with NUTRITION.
Gaining muscles - sports nutrition line helps

suggest you to look into

they help immensely, results are seen immediately during your workout plans. once you experience it, you are there :jumping:


I'm not too concerned about the body fat, it's not a lot anyway, any help with gaining muscle? All I really need is a workout dier plan and a workout routine with equipment that I have.

Thanks for the reply.
@ camrenu

Appreciate you offering but I'm not interested in ANY kind of supplements, I don't believe in them, so please stop spamming my thread.

Anyone got any pointers to my workout plan?