Limit to how fit you can get?

Hi, I was running the other day and noticed that I could do 2 miles in what felt like a completely flat out run, and I was thinking to myself " God I couldn't do this 6 months ago." This has lead me to ask the question, is there a point when you can no longer get fitter. I mean I know that at some point when you are basically running full pace for say 1 mile you won't be able to increase your time, but what about over larger distances? If you are running 1 mile in 3 minutes 50 (which I'm not :) ) you can't really improve on that due to speed for each 100 metres, but is there a point when you can't keep up the pace for longer distances like 4 miles? Are proffesional athletes at a stage where they can't really get much fitter?
This might sound silly to some of you for me to ask, but this question is bugging me.
Thank you for your responces.

i'm in my 40's, have Lo-tone muscles, and am doing nicely on the tapes I use, but I can't imagine getting more fit or more muscled.

i don't think my body will let me - if i bike longer or harder, my knees let me know that i can't do it.

there is a limit in how fit and how athletic you can get as a developing human being...

But, I would say in the near future you will be able to alter the Workings of proteins in your body through the process of nanotechnology and gene therapy to the point where your body can actually push its self farther....

It is an amazing field.
I think it was at runnersworld I read that most people reach their peak after running/training for 7 years... now that is for adults I am assuming... since you are young... it might be longer because you (presumably) are not done developing physically...

That as for distance...
For the limit of human long distance running ability look at marathon runners... Divide their time in the marathon by the distance. The world class guys are averaging 4 minute miles for 26 miles! Of course, these guys are genetically made for long distance running and trained hard for many years.

Also remember at one time, before someone did it, it was widely believed no human could ever break the 4 minute mile barrier or clean and jerk more than 500 pounds or...