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Ladies and Gentlemen, Here is a public service announcement for you guys.
Jobs are harder to land these days, so if you do decide to get some ink, I urge you to consider putting in it place that can be easily covered by clothing.
Jobs are harder to land these days, so if you do decide to get some ink, I urge you to consider putting in it place that can be easily covered by clothing.
more info:Visible Tattoos Make People Unemployable
Over the past two months, Russell Parrish has applied for more than 100 jobs. He didn't get any of them. In fact he was automatically rejected prior to the interview stage by more than half of the employers that he approached. He claims that his inability to gain employment is down to his choice of body art.
Parrish, 29, who lives in Lake Wales with his wife Victoria, has spent the last fifteen years covering his body with a network of colorful tattoos. The designs, which tell the story of his life, cover his torso, neck, hands and arms.
His collection of body art includes a spider in a web crawling up his neck. "It goes back to Sir Walter Scott, 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.'" he explains "It reminds me not to lie".
When he interlocks the fingers of his left and right hands, it spells out his nickname "Hound Dawg". His left arm is adorned by characters from his father's favorite horror movies, including Boris Karloff, Bela Legosi and Lon Cheny.
And on the inside of his elbow, the words "If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out" send a message to anyone who doesn't like his choice of body decoration. "It means if you can't stand to look at me, don't," explains Parrish.
At present Parrish works in his father-in-law's restaurant, but he wants a career with better job prospects so that he can support his wife and start a family. But despite his efforts, prospective employers won't even consider him. "You go for jobs and most times they won't give you an application. They tell you don't even bother, you have too many tattoos," he explains.
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