Light, moderate, heavy weightlifting

What exactly would qualify as light, moderate, or heavy weightlifting. I see these terms when describing weightlifting but am not sure what they refer to. Is moderate like 3 times a week, 12 reps, and 10 sets for example?
There's probably an official explanation from an experienced personal trainer, but since nobody else answered... I'm going to say that alot of it is relative, but here's a general "unofficial" guide:

Light: Simple, light, toning exercises. Stuff that older ladies would do. Nothing that could ever cause serious injury. Light weights and fairly high reps done on a casual basis.

Moderate: Regular lifting for the purpose of staying healthy and fit, yet not living in the gym... maybe 3-4 times a week. Rarely, if ever, maxing out. Typically the standard 3 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise. Lots of body weight exercises such as chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. Typically stuff that's on the level of not having a serious need for a spotter.

Heavy: Lifting several times a week, maxing out constantly, leaving the gym lightheaded and hardly able to walk... serious straining with the risk of serious injury if you do something wrong.