Weight-Loss Light foods higher in calories?



New member
i heard on a show that getting light foods defeats the purpose and is a waste of time..

they said that due to having no fat.. and tasting horrible.. most light foods are jam packed with sugars to make it taste better.. resulting in just as much, if not more, calories then the non-light foods..

what do u guys say.. im confused now
Just compare the nutrition labels. That will answer a lot of the questions about the sugar and calorie content. I pertsonally am skeptical about anything I hear on a "show" so I always tend to check things out for myself.
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a lot of the fat free products put more sugar in to compensate for the lack of fat and to give it more taste... like the nabisco snack wells cookies - they tend to be higher in sugar.

with my own taste buds - in cheese especially the fat free cheeses don't have near as much flavor as the real cheeses do, so I need more to satisfy - thereby having higher calories -

cottage cheese is the exception - I don't like full fat cottage cheese - the texture throws me off

Long story short - read labels, acknowledge portion sizes, and eat what you like - don't assume that because it's fat free hat you can have 22 portions of it.
Most of the time when a product says "fat free", they are just taking out the fat and replacing it with sugar. The sugar does not result in more calories, but they are empty calories. By empty calories, I mean that they don't serve a purpose and will most likely be stored as fat.

Hope this helped!