Lifelong goal can it be achieved and maintained through BW training?

Hey guys,

I've been thinking about my long term fitness goal to keep with me throughout my life, and I found it based off an actor that comes on one of the tv shows I personally enjoy watching. I'm currently 20 years old, and the image below is what I want to reach and maintain throughout my life even into my later years if possible.

This is the actor's level of fitness for the show:

I was wondering if weights were essential for me to reach this level and maintain it, or if it could be reached and maintained with bodyweight exercises and yoga? If so, would it take grueling workouts with high intensity all of the time? I just personally like yoga despite what others play it off to be because it's helped with some flexibility issues I've had for a long time, and I feel a lot more aware in my every day life activities as well.
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Depends on a lot of individual factors. The average guy probably can have that level of muscularity from bodyweight training, although I know that I personally never would have had that much muscle without moving external weights.
Keep in mind that you'll eventually plateau with only using bodyweight as well, since your weight will get the the point of unchanging.
There is absolutely no reason why you couldn't reach this level of muscular development using bodyweight exercises only. In fact, it should actually be fairly easy. Look at the body of gymnasts to see what you can expect, or look at some bodyweight tricks videos on youtube.
As for eventually reaching a plateau, as previous poster mentioned, sure you will, but not many people can ever achieve a planche, and training for a one arm pull up will keep you entertained for a long time.