Let's try this again


New member
I really, really hope I can stay on board this time.

I have an issue with staying persistent in reaching my weight loss goals. In my defense, I am also fighting severe depression and insomnia. (And medication causing me to gain weight)
I'm in an upswing this month, so I'm trying to take advantage of that and build an exercise habit before I get low again.

My name is Tiara, I'm 21 years old, 5'6 and 155 lbs.
I've been trying to lose weight, off and on, since I was 13.
This time it's a little different, my family is doing the same thing so I feel I have more support in my efforts.

Advantages: Plenty of time & outdoor space. Encouraging family, learning to cook healthy food.
Disadvantages: Can't go to the gym, depression and pills as mentioned above.

I've always wanted to be fit, to be able to run around the yard and through the woods as much as I want. Right now, I collapse after a few seconds, gasping for breath, legs turn to jelly. I just recently tipped the scale to being to overweight (according to bmi, anyway). So I'm a bit upset about that.
Welcome! You can do it! Start with little steps and small changes. It is less overwhelming that way.