Let's make a list of the benefits of losing weight & reaching a healthy weight

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New member
Hi there!

When I want motivate myself to do something I often come up with a long list of good reasons to do it. The longer the list, the more motivation I have to stick with it.

So, I thought it would be nice to share our motivations for losing weight (the process) and for reaching a healthy weight (the result). Here are the rules for this thread, which I hope will make this thread more interesting/fun:
  • Please only mention one benefit per post (/ per day). I know this is hard, I could name at least 20 if I need to, but I think it's much more fun if it's more interactive, hence this limitation. If you want to share more than one, feel free to share your next motivating benefit a day later :)
  • Start with a number, so that we end up with a long list (I start with #1, then the next person posts #2, etc).
  • Mention benefits that are not mentioned (feel free to share variations of ones that are mentioned, if they are different enough)
  • Feel free to discuss (not every posts has to contain a benefit)
Let's start:

1: The process of losing weight can also help you develop discipline. You have to develop the self-control to stick with your plan. Building this aspect of your character can also help you in other areas as well.
Haha, not very busy here :p. So, I will continue myself:

2: The lighter you are, the less calories you need to eat. This may seem like a downside, because it makes losing weight harder, but it's actually very useful: you can consume less food to fuel your activities, and so you save money (because you have to buy less food) and time (because you have to prepare less food).
I have lots of fun/silly advantages, but nonetheless they are true.

3: I can clip my toenails without passing out.
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