Weight-Loss Lenten Challenge 2008

Tried this last year and not too many folks survived the 40 days... wanna give it a shot again this year?

February 5th is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday or Fat Tuesday - the day before Ash Wednesday which begins the Lenten Season... now growing up Catholic (and still recovering from it) it meant we had to give up something for 40 days - until easter - however, also being Irish - there were loopholes - like you had st patricks day off if you chose to give up booze (personally i think my mother made up that rule but i've heard them from other people as well :D

So how about a non-demoninational - non religious Lenten style challenge.

Beginning February 6th - you choose to give up 1 thing (or more) for the next 40 days - it takes 28 days to build a habit so this will be a giant leap forward in that habit..

Maybe you want to give up or something you want to do... but make it a new habit you want formed...

How about? got 40 days? wanna be challenged? :D

you'll get 1 free day in those 40 going by my mother's rules... :D (st patricks day was always a free day)[/COLOR]
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I'm game.

I'm thinking of giving up those BLT's, the extra bites, licks and tastes. If it's not portioned out on my plate then I don't eat it. A good habit to break I think.

What a wonderful idea!

Here is what I am giving up...
I usually have for a desert low fat fruit yogurts. Despite being low in fat they still have white sugar and all kind of additives and artificial stuff. I am giving up eating those in favour of plain yogurt with or without a teaspoon of honey for a sweet taste and maybe real fruits added to it as well.

That's not a big sacrifice but knowing how often I would eat those, it will save to my body quite a lot of bad ingredients.

wow i forgot lent was approaching so soon..
i am going to give up candy and soda (even though i should have done this before)
now growing up Catholic (and still recovering from it) it meant we had to give up something for 40 days - until easter - however, also being Irish

ME TOO! Irish Catholic . . . Got Guilt??? :rofl:

As a still practicing catholic, I have the dilemma of "what to give up" every year. Most years are successful, but some not so much . . like giving up cursing, or one year I promised to right a note to a loved one every day during Lent to let them know how special they are to me (instead of giving UP something). . that lasted maybe 6 days.

The hardest ones in recent memory were giving up coffee, and giving up potatoes. I almost lost my mind, but I was a good girl and was successful in that commitment.

This year, I think I will give up chocolate. It has become part of my daily routine and hence would be a good sacrifice, and would serve as a bonus to contributing to my weightloss (I hope).
this is a great idea!

I'd really really like to give up my diet soda consumption.....I've done it before several years ago and am hoping I can entirely switch over to water!
I was thinking about giving up eating after 8pm....what do ya'll think? I was hoping someone woudl want to do it wtih me as its going to be SO SO hard.

also thinking about candy but I think I woudl fail horridly

...wishing I had some catholic guilt to encourage me LOL
I was thinking about giving up eating after 8pm....what do ya'll think? I was hoping someone woudl want to do it wtih me as its going to be SO SO hard.
what would giving up eating after 8 prove to you? Spend some time reading around the forum - there's no proof that time of day eating contributes to weight gain or loss - you might see a difference in the scale but that doesn't mean that you've lost fat... Total calories for the day are what contribute to fat loss.
I'm giving up pop and also the occasional Bob Evan's/McDonald's breakfasts. No more huge, unhealthy breakfasts for me.
what would giving up eating after 8 prove to you? Spend some time reading around the forum - there's no proof that time of day eating contributes to weight gain or loss - you might see a difference in the scale but that doesn't mean that you've lost fat... Total calories for the day are what contribute to fat loss.

I eat the majority of 'junk' food in the evening, evening eating is also my stress eating time, on top of which consuming food in front of a tv etc adds to excessive eating which I often do while watching tv with hubby. I understand calories in calories out concept however I care ALOT about the quality of the food I am eating and I tend to be a very healthy eater during the day. I do not think this is just me, studies have shown it is true for a large number of people, additionally we as americans tend to pile all our calories in the evening, concentrating calories throught the day tends to be lead to healthier eating habits and metabolisms.
I'm game!!! I have got to give up the empty calories! So I am giving up soda (I only drink diet, but it still has caffeine and no nutritional value) and sweets (this is gonna kill me, but I know I can do it!). If I feel the urge to have something sweet, I will grab some fruit! I like apples, bananas, green grapes, oranges and tangerines. (Not a wide variety, I know. But hopefully it will help stave off my temptation for sweets.) Chocolate is my weakness, so in honor of Lent (even though I'm not Catholic, but my husband is) I will abstain! (I guess that means no Cany Heart for me for Valentine's day! LOL! Oh, well! It'll be worth it in the end!)
Hi Bethers,

If you have a sweet tooth you might want to try this to satisfy the urge. Wet your green grapes then put them in a baggie and throw a packet of sugar-free jello (your choice of flavor) in the bag and shake it up to coat the grapes. Put them in the freeze and when you have the urge for sometime sweet pop them in your mouth. Very sweet indeed.

I've made it thru day 1 with no extra bites, tastes or licks. I almost blew it before it was even 8am when I was getting the kids their breakfast, but then I caught myself. On to day 2!

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keepitoff, I bet cutting out the soda, even if it's diet soda, will show a difference on the scale next week.

I made it thru day 2, woo hoo.
So, we're a week into the challenge.
How's everyone doing?
Did you make it thru the week?

I haven't had any extra bites, licks or tastes.
I'm still sticking with this challenge. Haven't had an extra bite, lick or taste of anything. We're into the 3rd week now. Going to see this one to the end.
Thanks Mom2. It's going to be a little personal triumph to see this one thru to the end. Kind of prove to myself that if I set my mind to do something I can do it.

If you're still interested in this challenge why don't you just start now? It's never too late.