Sport Lemon Water

Sport Fitness
So i read from a book that drinking lemon in your water helps with acne and acne scars. I started drinking it and it actually seems to be working. So my question is, is this ok to be drinking throughout the day? I dunno why it wouldn't be, i'm just asking.
To be honest i have never heard that, but I just read that hot lemon water boosts calorie burn which is a plus in itself.
I duno where you heard that from, but its interesting.

I do know however that drinking lemon water helps with the digestion process and helps romove toxins. It also gets rid of heartburn and bloating becuase of its aid in digestion.
I once saw monica Belucci (Italian actress) in a movie called "Malena" in which shes uses a lemon as soap while shes takin a bath WOW!! it was so erotic and shes one of the most beautiful women in this world. So lemon can also be used to clean yourself like soap except with a citrus flavor. ..lemonade anyone? :p
DANTE 1 said:
I once saw monica Belucci (Italian actress) in a movie called "Malena" in which shes uses a lemon as soap while shes takin a bath WOW!! it was so erotic and shes one of the most beautiful women in this world. So lemon can also be used to clean yourself like soap except with a citrus flavor. ..lemonade anyone? :p

I am keeping my eyes open for that one! Dayam!
it should be safe...just dont get the fake dasani flavored lemon water...or any flavored ones....try to make it with your own lemons...