Legs dragging - what's wrong??

I started walking/jogging again about 2 weeks ago. Started off with 2 miles and was going to work up to 2.5, 3, etc... until I got to at least 4 or 5 miles.

I'm doing this about 2 - 3 times a week.

Today at the 1-mile mark my legs got really heavy and stiff. I pushed on and the more I pushed the heavier and stiffer my legs got. I finished at 1.5 miles and I'm so mad at myself!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I couldn't go any further, my legs feel numb and tingly now that I've cooled off.

Yes, I stretched out before and after.

What's wrong with me??? Should I have kept pushing on to finish off my 2 miles?? HELP! Puh-lease! :confused: :confused: :confused:

sounds odd, maybe you've just been pushing yourself too hard over the past few weeks and your body konked out temporarily, it happens try taking some rest for a few days. or ask your doctor maybe you put a bit too much strain on your joints.

but as a basic rule for beginners I would say if you're feeling uncomfortable levels of pain stop right away, missing those extra 10 min really won't do anything at all.
Could be your diet, maybe you didn't consume enough calories?? Or maybe your calories came from different places on that day, rather than carbs. Anyways, Incitatus could also be right.. your body could be saying no even though you're saying hell yeah! Either way, you'll get past it!