Leg Pains

I know this is a long shot because it could be caused by a number of items , but I am just trying to get some feedback. As background, I am a 58 year old male who was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic 4 years ago. I weighed 274 pounds and got zero exercise. Deciding to fight back, I started walking and changed my diet dramatically. After about 2 1/2 years, I was down to approximately 215 pounds and my blood sugar was pretty much under control. At first I was annoyed that I couldn't lose any addition weight but my doctor was ecstatic with my efforts and so I persisted. About six months ago, I decided to try jogging. I have never had good lung power because I had athsma as a kid so I would jog until I basically couldn't get my breath and then I would walk until I recovered. I generally do about 4 miles a night. I really enjoyed this and all was going well. About two weeks ago, my lower legs started aching and have progressively gotten worse. At this point, they hurt all the time and even though I still go out for walks at night, having given up jogging altogether, it is a real ordeal. I am at a loss as to what may be wrong. I did get new shoes about 3 months ago, and while I don't feel they provide a great deal of support, I did wear them for awhile with no ill results. I am almost afraid that I may have stress fractures in my lower legs. The pain originally started in the back of my legs below my calves and above my ankles but now it basically surrounds my lower legs. The left leg is slightly worse than the right. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I would recommend a trip to your doctor. He/she might know.
If you are going to keep walking/jogging, try to do it on softer surfaces (gravel, dirt, grass). It's a little less impacting than tar. Make sure you have good shoes, don't skimp and get $10 Wally-world specials. Start with the doctor though, make sure it's not fractures.
sounds like shin splints and it affects the soleus muscle underneath the gastrocnemius you shouldn't have began with any running at your weight and activity level -RIDE A BIKE OR WALK AT A BRISK PACE AND DO THIS ACCORDING TO YOUR H-E-A-R-T R-A-T-E
"you shouldn't have began with any running at your weight and activity level"

Not sure what to make of this comment. I have been on a 4 mph walking regime for three years averaging between 4 to 6 miles a day. I am not attempting to run a marathon or anything that most people would consider too strenuous. I started jogging very gradually with no ill effects. It has only been the last couple of weeks that my legs have started bothering me, ever.
running with extra weight is rough on the body... but I know some folk who do so (in my running club)...

The key is good shoes... go to a store that caters to runners... not some chain sporting goods store...

also take time off to heal... when you are hurt or otherwise... personally I can't run more than 4 days a week or things start hurting... generally I need a day rest between runs.... my usual schedule is m,w,th,sat... and then every 3rd week I do 3 days that week... like T,th,sat...

If I try to push more than that... my body refuses and I'll pull a muscle or something will start hurting...

The other thing I can do to make myself hurt is run hard... 2-3 runs in a row... if I do that... even with the rest.... something will start hurting.

try running say 4 days a week where you go... hard run... easy run... hard run... easy run... if you want more exercise... walk... bike... swim... yoga... etc...

But the first thing is good shoes and get checked out by the doc... BTW cost isn't what makes a good shoe but good shoes do cost... basically you should IMHO expect to pay $75-$130 for a quality running shoe. You can probably go cheaper BUT... is it really worth it to save $25-30 bucks? divided by the lifetime of the shoe... also... only wear your running shoes for running...

ok enough from me...

congrats on the weight loss... I was 264... down to about 171 now... so I know what you are going through and so I know how hard it is... keep up the good work!